[centre] [h1][color=0072bc][b]Thomas Dircks[/b][/color][/h1] [/centre] Thomas just looked at John with a look of annoyance at his friend volunteering him to introduce himself in front of the class. [color=0072bc]“Oh your so gonna get it for this.”[/color] He whispered with a smile in english. Thomas hated talking in front of people with a passion. It just made him uncomfortable since he always felt everyone was judging him. He did his best however to mask this when ever he had to do something such as this. Walking confidently up to the front of the class he hoped to start off the year right and not make a fool of himself. “[color=0072bc]Hi im Thomas Dircks, I love rock music and riding my motorcycle.”[/color] There was a slight murmur amongst his classmates when he brought up his motorcycle. Most of this was probably due to the them realizing who he was since most of them had at least seen the bike at some point last year. [color=0072bc]“I play baseball here at school and plan on leading the team to a championship victory. I hope to get to know those who I didn't get to talk to last year.”[/color] he finished with a smile before returning to his seat. Upon sitting back down he made sure to elbow Jon in the side discreetly. Leaning over to his friend he whispered [color=0072bc]"was that really necessary?"[/color] watching the other students go he tried to remember if had known them at all last year. Some of them looked familiar but no one he could call a friend. Most of the students had generic introductions like im so and so I grew up in city a and like pie. it was quite boring and to be honest he hated this part of the year. Maybe it wont be to bad though he thought to himself.