[color=Gold][h3][b][u]Avatar:TLA/LoK[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [hider=Yumi Tai] [color=lime][i]"Fighting is no fun, I'd rather just look at all the pretty flowers!"[/i][/color] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/bd07/th/pre/i/2012/242/3/5/lok_oc__haters_gonna_hate_by_nyanekonya-d5d0haz.png[/img] [color=lime][b][u]Full Name:[/u][/b][/color] Yumi Mae Tai [color=lime][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 18 [color=lime][b][u]Type of Bending:[/u][/b][/color] Earthbending (mastered) Woodbending (mastered) Firebending (novice) Waterbending (novice) Airbending (novice) [color=lime][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Yumi is a very passive-aggressive person. She much prefers to talk put her problems rather than fight about them, she's always looking for the most peaceful option in any given situation, and she loves flowers. She hates bullies, believes in the good about people no matter how often she's proven wrong, and will always strive to be the kindest person she can be towards everyone. Though, she can be a bit naive and gullible, she's no pushover. She doesn't like being taken advantage of or thought of as weak just because she's a girl. She does like being called cute though. As a member of the Earth Kingdom's royal family, Yumi can be proper and professional when need be, but she prefers to just let loose and have fun. She's not a huge talker, more soft spoken and observant, but there isn't a person alive she doesn't think has some good in them. She's just a genuine optimist. [color=lime][b][u]Bio/History:[/u][/b][/color] WIP [color=lime][b][u]Extra:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Boop] She's the next Avatar, after Avatar Korra[/hider] [/hider]