[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Tq4R0Ekh30JKo/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Lance had thought that he looked bad, after all, he was the one with bandages and bruises all over his body, but Guin was another story entirely. She looked terrible, and that was a fact. He was surprised a little bit by it, but he chose to say nothing about it. In his mind, he figured that she was feeling horrible because of the whole Kilgrave thing earlier, and he totally understood that. His own mind was messed up a little from that experience, not to mention the fact that he was pretty sure that it was combined with something else that made it worse for her. He followed her out into the lounge area, and shook his head when he saw her looking for alcohol. [color=yellow]"Guin... You shouldn't be drinking..."[/color] he said, before he proceeded to walk over, take her wrists, and put bandages on them. [color=yellow]"Look, we have problems, but drinking won't solve them... Our dads are off, trying to figure this out, but if it weren't for us, I don't think they would have even noticed... Guin, why don't you go change your clothes real quick, we're going out, since I don't think hanging around here is doing us any good."[/color] he said, giving her a smile.