[h1][color=007236][b][u]Smoke Screen[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [i][/i][color=007236]“Come on! Left, right, left, right, left, left, RIGHT.”[/color] Finnlay was commanding as he raised his punching mitts in that sequence. After the last punch was thrown Finnlay patted the kids head with his right hand which was still in the mit [color=007236]“See there you go. Now we're getting somewhere with ya.”[/color] he smiled at the boy. He always loved helping the younger kids since they needed something like this to help get through life. And hopefully in his life he could stop at least one kid from turning out like him. [color=1a7b30]“Grab water and do your road work and you good for the day.”[/color] The boy smiled and started out the door as he heard Finnlay yell across the gym [color=007236]“And remember no cheating the running.”[/color] The boy just waved him off causing Finnlay to smile and shake his head. [color=007236]“Good kid.”[/color] Walking back to his office Finn waved at some of the other boxers with a friendly smile and throwing out bits of advice to those he could and the ones that needed it. Making it back to his office he sat down and let a long sigh of exhaustion. Looking through some of the papers on his desk which to most would be a chaos of random papers he found what he was looking for. It was his folder of possible fights and tournaments for some of the boxers at his gym. Most of this was for the younger ones since the older ones had their own managers but some still had him do it. [color=007236]“Hmm.”[/color] he thought pondering over the list. [color=007236]“There is one in New York that looks promising.” [/color] Looking at the clock he realized he had been thinking this over for quite sometime and everyone had already called it a night leaving just him in the gym. Finn looked through his glass window and seemed to zone out as he stared directly at one of the heavy bags hanging. He could see his younger self punching away at the bag repeatedly with a anger and furocity that shouldn't be seen in a kid. Shaking his head free of the visions he decided he could always use a bit of practice he began to wrap his hands with tape. He stepped up to the bag and began to swing away at the bag. It wasn't anything to serious though. It was mostly just something he liked doing even though he had no real purpose. [color=f6989d]“The only thing that we know for certain is that we owe these heroes, these Avengers, a debt we might never be able to pay."[/color] Finn’s head shot around at the tv he had been ignoring this whole time. What he saw shocked him to his core. New York had been turned into a war zone it looked like. Aliens raining down from the sky in massive waves as massive fly Carrier and a group of so called super heros fending off the invasion. Turing back at the bag Finn’s eyes narrowed and became serious and his body stood ever so slightly taller as he began hit the bag with more purpose this time. Every hit seemed like it had a reason for being thrown. Each one slammed into the bag with more power than before as he continually picked up speed. Stepping back for a second Finn went into a defensive stance as he brought his hands to guard his face as he pretended to dodge blows until he began hitting it once again. [i]Left, right,[/i] [color=007236][i]left, right, left, left[/i][/color] he kept in pace in with the same rhythm he had set for the kid earlier just slightly sped up. As he brought back his arm for the final right he changed into smoke and appeared on the other side of the bag just before landing the punch with a loud impact nearly knocking it off the chain. [color=007236]“Still got it.”[/color] He thought to himself. Turning off the TV he grabbed his bag and headed off to his apartment not far from the gym still thinking about what he saw on the news.