Kai's expression as he thought about his dream alarmed Aira for a moment. He looked so lost, and for a moment he looked a little younger than he was. There was something he was searching for, an uncertain answer to a question he didn't know he had. Aira watched him until he spoke, the hesitation in his voice quite clear. It looked like they were both at a loss. Under the water, huh? She instinctively looked at the sea before them, and then back at Kai. He really seemed troubled by his dream. Taking in a breath, she grinned, her hands behind her back. "[color=aquamarine]Maybe it was about surfing?[/color]" She suggested with a small shrug. "[color=aquamarine]I mean, you did wipe out really badly yesterday! I was almost afraid you weren't going to come back up![/color]" As she laughed at his expense, she placed her sandals on the ground, hat right next to it. Walking forward, she kept going until the water reached her knees, just below her dress. She looked back at Kai, gesturing towards the water. "[color=aquamarine]I heard a story once that said that if you follow any river, it'll always lead to the sea. So if you ever get lost or lose your way, just follow the water,[/color]" She told him, hands together. She paused for a moment, and then continued, "[color=aquamarine]So...if we ever get separated...then you know what to do.[/color]"