[@GreenGoat][@HereComesTheSnow] [b]Ground Level, In Front of Harumi's Apartment Building - District 7[/b] "[color=3f00ff]George can't make it,[/color]" replied the teenage girl known only to her compatriots by the moniker of 'Hat-chan' after a quick glance at her smartphone. "[color=3f00ff]So you try liftin' it solo, Kara-han.[/color]" The arrival of another teen however, caught the small blonde's attention. Shifting her delivery cap for a moment to protect her better from the glare of the Sun, she waved in greeting to Harumi, a small smile present on her face. "[color=3f00ff]We're just delivering a package to somebody who lives here,[/color]" she explained, accent returning to Tokyo standard, with even the slightest hints of her native Kansai disappearing. A small thought seemed to strike her, and her eyes brightened. "[color=3f00ff]Oh, do you live here too? If so, are you familiar with a Miss Hazama?[/color]"