[center] [h3]Attack Hayes with the hammer.[/h3] Too much about this strange man is putting you on edge. Your instincts tell you that the shotgun would be better with you than with him and you didn't want to take any chances. Trying to act as casual as possible you reach into the pocket that has the hammer inside of it and try to step towards Hayes and swing at his head in one fluid motion. Hopefully enough to stun or knock him out so you can grab that shotgun. Sadly by the time you reached into your pocket, Hayes was already smiling. Whatever training or experience he had made it so he was miles ahead of you in terms of reaction. As you raised your arm to ready your hammer attack, Hayes had already grabbed his shotgun in one motion and fired it at you. You were already well aware of what a shotgun could do at this range, and felt little surprise as your mid-section was torn asunder by the buckshot. You heard Hayes say : [i][color=0072bc]Just as I thought....[/color][/i] As your vision went from grey to black. You didn't even feel yourself hit the floor, before everything went silent. [img]https://render.fineartamerica.com/images/rendered/default/print/6.375/8.000/break/images-medium/shotgun-blast-endre-balogh.jpg[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fantendo/images/c/cd/FantendoGameOver.png/revision/latest?cb=20161130195847[/img] [/center]