Maira went over towards the bar, the jolly looking barkeep greeted her. "Welcome to the winking skeever friend! We don't see a lot of your kind around here" By her kind, Maira assumed her being an orc. "I would say the same with yours in a stronghold dungeon." The barkeep made an uncomfortable laugh. "I'm kidding, I don't run with that stuck up lot, nor I have a clue of their dungeon keeping customs." she gave him a nonchalant reply. "Anyway, give me one of your best." After one cup after another and still early in the evening Maira can already feel the kick of his brew. "What in oblivion do put in your drinks?" "Oh only the rarest and finest ingredients." "U-huh." She mumbled, taking a peek on the almost empty goblet. The tavern fell silent as one song ended, and another started. Maira looked over to the bard who was playing that day. What a good song she thought, letting herself sink into the music. At this moment Maira was bored, and stood up from her seat. She went towards the bard, pulling a chair and turning it around so she could sit and lean facing the resting rail. But she did so with less grace than she initially expected [i]"Ugh Maira why'd you have to be so lighweight"[/i]. When the bard finished her song, Maira gave her an applause, the loudest and only one in the room. "Bravo! I say that's some good singing voice you got there." The orc seemed to forget the caution of not attracting attention to herself.