[center][img]http://otomechannel.net/system/comments/images/000/620/450/original/image.jpeg?1499164523[/img] [color=f26522][h2]Ikazuchi Hiroko[/h2][/color][hr][color=gray][b]Forest around the shrine - ???[/b] [/color][hr][/center]Rocko? Hiroko had little time to process the nickname given to her before Kaito started to tell her that he might have superpowers. Normally, this would be the time Hiroko started scolding him for jumping to conclusions too quickly. However, one look at the man's less than impressive body told her that he actually wouldn't be able to lift all those without breaking a sweat. And yet there he was, carrying them without breaking a sweat. [color=f26522]"Superpowers or no, let's just get back."[/color] Hiroko replied with a dismissive tone. As much as she wanted to believe something completely impossible, the logical part of her mind just wasn't agreeing wiht it. And if it doesn't agree, then Hiroko doesn't follow with it. She followed him back to the shrine. At least it didn't look like anything was going to attack them. Which was good, since she had nothing to protect herself with aside from a small lighter. She'd be way more at ease if she had a knife... or a bow or something. [color=f26522]"And Kaito..."[/color] She called out before stopping herself. Should she continue to entertain the idea of superpowers since that's what was making Kaito happy and energized? It was ideal, but continuing to entertain it if it wasn't true might not be good for them in the future. But still. [color=f26522]"If we did get superpowers, then at least we have some way to survive this forest."[/color]