The fall was quick and sudden, but Carter found it interesting to note that as he fell through this epileptic nightmare he didn't feel much wind resistance. He was just falling, moving downwards. At least, that's what his body told him. Despite all this, he found it useful to pull his almost-lucky goggles over his eyes to keep himself from shutting his eyes from what little wind he could feel. The only downside was that he had no idea how to fall properly, and fear flooded his veins as he realized that there was no way to keep himself from hitting the ground. His eyes widened briefly before shutting preparing for that impact... That never came. As if he were being pulled up by something, his torso stopped moving completely. His head, arms, and legs shot forward from the sudden stop. He was about as close to the ground as he could get before actually hitting it, then whatever was holding onto him let go and fall the rest of the way without worry of injury. He rose and looked around. Carter saw from the fall that he wasn't the only one stuck in this situation, but everyone else as as much of a stranger to him as they were to each other. At least, that's how it seemed. Two of the girls were getting ready to start a screaming match, and Carter was somewhat disappointed that he didn't wear his goggles with the attached headphones. At least that would help him tune out when they inevitably started to argue again. For now, they seemed to be asking if anything else knew what was going on, to which Carter only shook his head. [b][color=598527]"No,"[/color][/b] he answered to them, not bothering to take off his goggles. [b][color=598527]"I was out on business, then I'm falling through the physical form of LSD."[/color][/b] Only now did he realize that they were giving out names. It was probably for the best if he introduced himself as well. Everyone was equally confused, but at least they all seemed to be like rational adults. [b][color=598527]"I'm Carter, by the way."[/color][/b] He still didn't take his goggles off, and he intended to keep it that way for now.