[b][color=ed1c24][b]Legate Aurelius and Vulpes Inculta - SAC HQ Bunker[/b][/color][/b] "The Cult itself has no positive message, a vision for the future, or really anything to offer the Wastelanders out there", Barnaky continued, "It relies on terror to compel obedience, and even obedience to their commands offer no guarantee of safety. Lift the Cult's boot off their necks, and offer them a future, and the civilians swing right into line....and they know better than anyone who among them needs killing." “Well said my Lord,” The Legatus replied with a nod, “Very well then. We are agreed. No mercy to be shown to those who call themselves a disciple of that abomination, but those that have no love for their overlords will be treated fairly. I will relay that order to my Senior Centurions. I assure you my legionaries will have no issues with discipline on this campaign.” “Unless there is something else we should discuss Lord Barnaky, I’m eager to begin. Once my Legions have assembled and are in good order, we’ll begin our push east. Vulpes..I leave you to confer with your equivalents within The Brotherhood about how best to fight this enemy. Should you learn anything, report it to me immediately.” “Of course. I’ve already sent out some of my Frumentarii to begin scouting ahead for The Legion’s advance.” “Well done Vulpes. I’m glad Caesar sent you along to support us. We can ask for no better man in The Legion for these tasks.” “I’m at your disposal Legatus.” Vulpes bowed. With that Aurelius turned back to Barnaky, “I’m told the Brotherhood salutes their members with the phrase ‘Ad Victoriam’ in the Legion’s own tongue. A fitting phrase I think, and more than rightfully used here. In The Legion, our rallying cry is ‘Legio Invicta’, meaning ‘Unconquered Legion’. A reminder that despite all it has gone through, the Legions of Caesar still stand. However, I will gladly offer a salute in The Brotherhood’s own manner.” The Legate clasped his fist to his chest in a smart salute, “Ad Victoriam, Lord Barnaky.” [b][color=00aeef]Director Thomas Milburn, Cait, and Desmond Lockheart - Robotics Technology Facility RB-2851[/color][/b] Flanked by a pair of Gen-2 Synth Security Units, Thomas, Cait, and Desmond rode a large metal elevator as it descended deeper into the concrete lined earth. Desmond had been told little to nothing about where they were going, aside from the fact that he would need to see for himself. While he wasn’t exactly nervous, he was a bit on-edge, knowing full well what sort of horrors these old-world bunkers often held. In lieu of his usual grimy pre-war wear, which he rarely had time or the inclination to clean in his line of work, he was now wearing a pressed dark grey suit and tie along with a matching overcoat. Underneath his suit jacket was a shoulder holster strapped to his torso, with a brand new .45 auto pistol clipped inside. He’d been offered his pick of The Institute’s energy guns, but preferred to continue using traditional weaponry. “Old reliables” he’d called them. So instead, Institute Facilities had outfitted him the .45 pistol along with the rest of his gear, and a few other goodies that would satisfy a pre-war intelligence agent. Thomas had referred to it as a “Welcome package”, a little something to wet his appetite now that he’d agreed to sign on with them. Desmond turned to look around, and saw Thomas checking his watch with a bored look. Next to Thomas however, Desmond could see the look of the fiery Irish broad staring right at him with contempt. “Can I help you with something ‘lass’ or do you always look at your coworkers that way?” “Not a big fan of the stupid looking wig you’re wearin’. Lets just say you remind me of someone that I hate and leave it at that.” Desmond caught a glimpse of a brief look of recognition on Thomas’s face, and he guessed that this was some sort of shared history between them. “Oh...what happened to him then?” Desmond replied, keeping his tone as polite as he could in a way that he was certainly not used to. “I put two slugs right in his heart.” “We’re here,” Thomas suddenly interrupted, as the elevator came to a stop and the trio, along with their Synth escorts, stepped out. The first impression Desmond immediately got was how large the area was, and the next was the sounds of industrial machines coming from what sounded like far deeper into the facility. As they approached what looked to be the glass-encased control him, Desmond looked down to see the engraving etched on the floor. “United States Army Robotics...where the fuck are we Thomas? Back to old haunts?” “Not exactly but still a rather interesting location. One we acquired some time back after it was discovered the facility was the source of a robot incursion into The Commonwealth.” “Robot incursion?” “Not important right now,” Thomas replied, as they began ascending the metal gangplank leading to the control room, “What is important, is how we can utilize it. But I’ll leave that to her.” He said, pointing into the control room. Desmond hadn’t noticed her before, but now he could see the nervous looking black haired woman wearing an Institute robotics lab coat that might have looked a size or two too big for her. “Hello Thomas...sorry….I mean...Director..sir.” “And who’s this?” Desmond asked skeptically sizing her up. “I-sabel….Cruz….Isabel Cruz….” Isabel stammered as she offered Desmond a nervous hand, “Sorry I’m still getting used to...people...in general.” Desmond gave Thomas a ‘Who the hell is this broad?’ look before reaching out to meet Isabel’s handshake, “Desmond Lockheart,” He replied. “How do you do Mr. Lockheart.” “Just Desmond is fine. I don’t exactly get worked up over formalities.” “Desmond is now a specialized intelligence operative within The SRB. I’ve hired him on to assist us with some of the potential...problems we’ve been facing,” Thomas explained, “And Isabel…” he continued, turning to Desmond, “Is a pre-war Robotics Expert. She’s been tasked with overseeing this facility and our future plans concerning it.” “Oh? And how’d she get that gig exactly?” “It’s well...complicated. If you’re concerned about her expertise though, she’s more than qualified. In fact, she initially found this facility of her own accord and got it operational. It's taken her a bit of time to get acclimated to our way of doing things, but she’s got more knowledge about robotics and artificial intelligence than many of my CIT colleagues before the war.” “Impressive…” Desmond said with genuine surprise. Just by looking at her he wouldn’t guessed she was capable of it. Isabel blushed nervously and fiddled with her hair, “Oh you know...I’m not all that interesting. Just trying to do what I can to help…..since I kinda...didn’t start off on the right foot.” “That’s putting it mildly…” Cait muttered, just loud enough for Desmond to hear. Thomas pretended not to notice. Desmond had to wonder what she could be referring to, but thought it best not to ask. Perhaps he’d broach the subject later. “All in the past. What we need to do now is use this treasure trove of old world technology to our advantage. It’s a massive production facility, with enough industrial output to rival a city. From what we’ve been able to gather, it was a Robotics research facility specializing in the Robobrain Program, but its able to build and refit a variety of different Robco and General Atomics model military robots, and I suspect, much more.” “Think I can guess where this is going…” “We’re retooling the facility to produce some of the older synth models, Institute weapons and armaments, as well as modified versions of RobCo and General Atomics military bots...some of my own designs,” Isabel said as she shuffled her feet, “Eventually, we may even be able to start producing larger military hardware as well.” “This facility’s production capacity matched with The Institute’s should be enough to start supplementing our woefully low military numbers,” Thomas explained, “ We can’t match the sheer military power of many of the states we’ve observed thus far, but hopefully we can at least muster enough strength to give them pause if it comes to it. The Institute’s never needed a particularly large security force, not until The Brotherhood arrived, and from what I understand Robotics was working round the clock during that time to produce more Synths. That can't be the case going forward.” Desmond crossed his arms, “That’s all well and good, but why exactly am I here?” “Aside from its uses in production, I want this location to be something of a backup facility, in case The Institute is ever threatened directly. To that end I’ve ordered quarters to be built and the facility expanded to include the necessities required to make it sustainable if we ever need to fall back. It’s well hidden and built to withstand even a direct nuclear strike so I imagine it should be well suited for that. Some SRB and Robotics personnel will be relocating here in the near future. I’ve furnished quarters for you as well.” “Not exactly the Penthouse Suite, but it's probably better than what you’re used to,” Cait quipped. “Hmmph. I’ll be the judge of that. About this army you’re building Thomas, I assume part of that had something to do with me as well?” “Naturally,” Thomas nodded, “In addition to the Synths and the Robots from this facility, we’ll be attempting to work more closely with some human elements in The Commonwealth as well. I’ve already invited the necessary parties to a meeting. I’d like for you to be there. I want this to be cleared out before we start out operation to investigate The Cult.” “Done. Suppose I can manage a bloody sit-down well enough. Where am I meeting them?” “Not far from here….Logan Airport. Seemed like an appropriate location. The wreckage of the Prydwen should help them to understand where things stand.” “Remind me, were you always a dick before the war or did the war change you that much? After 200 years my memory isn’t exactly tip top.” Desmond smirked. “Between you and Robert….I certainly learned from the best,” Thomas replied as he slapped him on the back, “Don’t be late.” “Say hi to Maggy for me will ya? Promise she won’t bite.” Cait smirked as she walked over to stand next to Thomas. “Who?” “You’ll see.” Both then suddenly vanished in a flash of blue light, leaving Desmond behind alone with Isabel and the two Gen-2 security Synths. “So...umm...should I...should I show you where you’ll be staying?”