[@Sierra] I'm glad you like the take, I had come up with a few characters, but the unknowingly corrupted holy man was the one that seemed the most fun to play. In terms of the manipulation, I envisioned it as having two effects. The first being short bursts of will, the kind of effect that would only last a few seconds for most NPC's, something like "Drop it" or questions like "Who do you work for?" kind of thing. And the other being able to 'preach' and lean others towards his own opinion, encouraging people to join him etc. But not forcefully. I did get caught up with what combat abilities to give him. Lightning seemed too cliche, but I like the idea of adapting it more towards earth than fire, mainly making them hit like a ton of bricks, and be able to break the ground etc. I'll think about it. I'll hold off on moving the sheet across to Characters tab while I make some tweaks, but thanks for the go-ahead.