[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] If I had to pay AAA game price to sit through 40 mins of intro text for an anime tiddies harem id be wasting my time and money because I already have Huniepop installed. But on a serious note, tides of numeria and pillars of eternity 1 are not even that popular. The hipsters are the small but very vocal community of 'true roleplayers' who smoke pipes before the age of 30, sit in a room with 200 books they will never read and scoff at the idea of an RPG having a cutscene longer than 90 seconds. But I wasnt even shitting on them, I was saying they are overrated, like read the thread title, sir. [/quote] "these games aren't popular only hipsters like them" "they're overrated" gr8 b8 m8