[color=f7941d][centre][h2]Sarah Cooper[/h2][/centre][/color] [center][color=f6989d] [h3] Sol City Zoo [/h3][/color] (with [@Conscripts] and [@Alex_The_Great])[/center][hr] Sarah was still occupied with quiet dread and images of howling, shit-covered lemurs scratching at her hair when she saw the man in the wheelchair slide into the hole. She picked up her pace into a jog without even really thinking about it, her work boots slapping against the pavement and her bucket jostling as the man struggled to extract himself from the divot in the ground. If someone needed help, someone needed help; the lemurs could wait. Ultimately, her good intentions weren't necessary - someone had been a moment quicker than her in lifting the chair out of the hole, a slight young man with brown hair and a vaguely floral scent. At first, she continued rushing forward to offer her help, and by the time it became clear that her assistance wasn't needed, she had gotten much too close to the pair to play it off. "I am so sorry about that," she said lamely as he turned to face both her and his savior, making an effort not to stare at his scrawny legs. She was always self-conscious about her gaze around the differently abled, which she knew was just as bad as staring, but it was a hard loop to break out of. "I'll make sure someone comes around to fix that later," she continued, as though she had any power over the landscaping. Sarah set the bucket down and peeled her gloves off, sensing a valid excuse to be late to the lemur-washing. Normally she disapproved of on the job time wasting, but since it wasn't technically her job, could anyone fault her for taking the time to connect with a few of the Zoo's visitors, especially one that could have been terribly injured by the park's negligence? No. No they could not. "Sarah, Sarah Cooper," she said, beaming her best smile and offering a hand to whichever of the pair deigned to take it. "I work here."