The feeling of zero-gravity completely consumed the brown haired girl as her eyes remained closed shut. She only opened them once more when she felt herself falling followed by the screams of those that were probably in the same predicament as her. Once she got a good sight of what was going on, fear and anxiety began pumping into her veins as she used both hands to grasp on to her cap to keep it from flying off her head. Honestly, she would have been completely fine with anything else, but heights? Tears immediately pricked the brunette's eyes as the scream she wanted to let out evaporated before she could do so. She wanted to close her eyes so badly, but doing such made her stomach lurch as her impending doom quickly became more questionable without her vision. So Alex opted to keep her eyes open, tears now spilling out of her eyes against her will. Just as she thought she was going to collide with the ground and turn into a bloody mess of limbs and muscles, Alex felt her body come to a halt, as if something was suspending her in the air for a brief moment, before dropping her once more, letting her fall without the fear of death. Landing on her side, Alex quickly rubbed her watery eyelids before sitting up on her knees. Now feeling grass tickle her sides of her shins, Alex couldn't help but gawk at the scenery before her. What happened to all the cars, the park, and the building complex? It was pretty clear that she, no they, weren't home, but where were they then? Alex's head soon turned to face where most of the noise was coming from, two girls it seemed. And while the brunette was mostly ignoring what they were actually saying, she only focused when the shorter of two girls directed their voice to the rest of them. [color=cb0340][b]"Hey! Random other people! Anyone get the license plate number of that truck that hit us? Looked like a [i]fucking glowing hole in the ground?[/i]"[/b][/color] She blurted out to them, only to have the small girl lower her head. Geez, that was subtle...what was she talking about anyways? Turning her attention to the first one that spoke up, he didn't really answer the question, but instead gave his name and occupation. Z, huh... Alex could remember that. His appearance - mostly his hair - was also quite a sight to behold, as he pulled out the strangest things from them, but it wasn't like she was gonna comment on it. Next came a guy with shimmery silver hair and wearing goggles. This guy actually answered the question, but it didn't really help when it came to figuring out what was going on. He referred to himself as was a nice name. The last person to speak up, and who was also intrigued by how Z managed to pull out such weird things from his hair, was Dorotea, who was probably even more vulgar than the first girl that spoke up. A little nervous to speak up after Dorotea and her little...monologue...Alex lowered her head once again, the cap covering most of her features once again. [color=#69cfff][b]"U-Um...I was playing on the swings and when I jumped off, a light swallowed me up and I e-ended up here."[/b][/color] She mumbled, giving another, different occurrence than what the first girl was talking about. [color=#69cfff][b]"...J-Just call me Alex."[/b][/color] She concluded with a frown before looking up slightly to meet eyes with the first girl quickly, only to bring her gaze back down to her lap mere seconds later.