"For one, what was that remote in your hands?" He'd stare downwards at the man, speaking in his radio in the meanwhile "Theres been a bombing at the Cooper Park. Theres one known Individual dead, and possibly others injured or disorganized. We need all units towards there right away, secure the entire area and it's surroundings. There might still be more bombs laying around, so be careful. Men, I repeat. theirs been a bombing at Cooper Park, all units needed. One suspect is currently in custody." He'd just his radio down for a few minutes. "And furthermore, why did you run like you did? It gave off the impression that you were almost trying to escape from the police. Do you perhaps have some mental illness, such as PTSD?" He'd whisper to Jones. "I'll keep an eye on him, he's clearly dangerous however. We need to get him to the station before he ends up pulling any getaways like that, or activates any further bombings or the like. Get a squad car or two to transport him, and do me a favor and get me a wet rag, some disinfectant, and some bandages. I believe I was hit by a bit of the Shrapnel. It isn't anything serious to send me out of duty however, so theres no need to worry.