Jones would slide down the ladder to go to a nearby business and obtain some first aid, all while he also checked to see if any cars were inbound. The supposed suspect, Shaun Crosby, looked up at Charles, before sputtering out, "I have PTSD...just check my wallet..." he said between bursts of tears, as he realized that his life was coming to an end at the hands of these SWAT vehicles. "I...swear...I wouldn't kill my father, no matter what. The only place he ever went to...we went to...was the Eastfield Markets, we tried to settle down after fighting in the war, just like father and son." He would look up as much as he could at the markets in the distance past the bank, before shedding a tear and collapsing onto the ground, as the sounds of SWAT trucks would become more and more prominent in the distance, Jones returning with some temporary first aid containing the required goods.