Vegeta's body stopped feeling Kinoko's force hit him, he closed his eyes at her words and his Ki flared for a moment as he broke her hold on him and turned to face her. He knew all too well how Kinoko felt, it was the same feeling when he found out Kakarot was holding back against him with his Super Saiyan three. Under different circumstances he wouldn't have held back, even if it was family, he even gave Trunks a chance and pushed him past his limits. Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest and walking back over to Kinoko, his expression was beyond simple anger at this point, family or not he didn't like being called a coward. Vegeta reached forward and grabbed Kinoko's armor pulling her face closer to his glaring at her. "You think I want to hold back you idiot!" Vegeta yelled before pushing her away. "How you have my blood and Kakarot's idiocy is beyond me. You're so damn thick headed just like him. Do you honestly think the only reason I'm holding back because I 'don't want to hurt you' do you really think I'm that soft. If you do then clearly you don't understand anything about me. Fighting is a part of culture, getting stronger is our duty as Saiyan's! If you can't get past losing and your past weakness then you're not worthy of being called a Saiyan. Even I keep striving, every day without stop knowing Kakarot is just one step ahead of me, haunted by that pain daily, haunted by the fact I was powerless not only against Freiza but a low class Saiyan." The floor cratered nearby as Vegeta's anger reached its peak, he seemed inches away from knocking Kinoko through half the city, but as he glared at her something showed in him, it wasn't so much hesitation, it was almost fear and he sighed and closed his eyes controlling his energy. " you not feel it when we fight," Vegeta said looking back at her. His gaze was softer, though he still had the same angry expression it was clear he was calmer. "I figured by now you'd pick up on it. Why I can't go all out on you. It's not that I don't want to, it's that I have to hold myself back. If you can't understand it at this point then there's no sense explaining it to you. You have my stubbornness but his lack of tact." Vegeta said this and turned his back on her again.