[hider=Alexis McVanovich] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180529/79e7e20811a55ea80892d8f32d4780aa.png[/img] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39400000/Aoharu-x-Machinegun-Tachibana-Hotaru-aoharu-x-kikanjuu-39488969-398-355.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180529/537285773df33ec0c9f0e6f2ffe7d06f.png[/img][/center][hr] [b][color=166661]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Pre-Corruption; costume reference] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/a8be/th/pre/i/2015/103/3/0/commission_for_thecultclassic_by_risoluce-d8kj0q1.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Corrupted State] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Gbg1y3Uax5k/VbZzUSTz_QI/AAAAAAAAXB8/O9XUnbMkssI/w379-h379-p/tumblr_nqz9gnwjw71uxkkouo1_500.gif[/img] [/hider] [b][color=166661]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=166661]Emblem:[/color][/b] She has a [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSFKFXUeHBsBE7MHICnm8wYUEDtHRHHz49PRhcf4nx6bwnzchH4NF94GqNA]ring with a purple gem[/url] that serves as her emblem. Originally, she wore it on her right index finger. After her fall, she began to wear it as a necklace and is usually hidden from sight as it is often seen under her shirt. [b][color=166661]Devil Arm:[/color][/b] Once upon a time, the sound of the [url=http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20131026/y9yve5yz.jpg]silver and gold guns[/url] popping was music to the civilian's ears. It meant safety and cover. Now, the blasting sounds coming from the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/crossfirefps/images/2/2d/DesertEagle_BornBeast.png/revision/latest?cb=20150901141706]singular tainted gun[/url] sounds the incoming destruction. The dual pistols have become one and a knife as the others' substitute. The knife can elongate itself to a full sword, but that is only for emergencies. The pistol shoots out dark purple balls of energy that is as destructive, if not a bit more, than a regular bullet. Though she is able to charge the pistol up so that it can release a devastating beam of energy. [b][color=166661]Magic:[/color][/b] Ah, how she remembered when the psychic whips she could create could merely constrict rather than harm. Now, however, it only brings destruction to anything it touches. Lightning aids these whips to destroy; the crackling of lightning and the smell of ozone always spelled danger - and hers was no different. [b][color=166661]Background:[/color][/b]Perhaps, it would be easier to understand how she came to be if you understood just how close she was to her twin. Alex would have done near everything, even give her life, to save her own sister. Alex knew that her sister would have done the same for her. Perhaps you would find it funnier if you also knew that the two were born rich - with a gold spoon in their mouths. They were born lucky, and they wholeheartedly accepted it. The McVanovich family were international businessmen and for that particular moment, they lived in Japan. They had decided to open up a branch of their business there as well. They just decided that maybe Japan would be a good place to continue their business, and it was a good decision. They were accepted quite easily too, which was surprising but at least they didn't have much trouble. When the chance to become a magical girl appeared to her, Alex had accepted it without question. One thing about the deal was that there was no exchange. The cat with a TV for a head had offered her anything she wanted, and she turned it down - she only wanted the power. Given her androgynous appearance and cool nature, she was hailed as the Noble Prince. But something snapped one day, when she recieved word that her sister was killed in a mass shooting. By a [i]human.[/i] But Alex didn't wish vengeance upon the human. What she wanted was more power. She couldn't protect her sister. She couldn't protect one of the most important people to her so she needed that kind of power. A forbidden power. Three days after the event, she absorbed a Nightmare instead of killing it. Then it all spiraled down as she continued on without stop. It was the day everyoen realized that the only thing stopping her from obtaining more power before was her sister. And without that limitation, she went all out. Greed was now her driving force. [b][color=166661]Inventory:[/color][/b] Alex carries around a picture of her entire family. She also carries around a necklace with a small knife on it. She often hangs it around a belt hoop on her right side. [b][color=166661]Sample Post:[/color][/b] [hider=The Fallen Prince of the Dark] In a town not too far away from Miso City was a Dark Magical Girl on the hunt. Taking in a deep breath, the Fallen Prince leaned back on the wrecked building. Nightmares had always been easy for her to defeat - though these were particularly small. Weak. She didn't get too much from them. And honestly, this was just her having fun by now. Going on hunts were always fun. She could hear the telltale signs of the Nightmare sneaking up on her from behind. A smile wormed its way to her mouth as she jumped over the barrier separating her and then Nightmare. The strange black blob turned its mask upwards - tracking her. She winked at it before aiming her gun straight at its mask and pulled the trigger. A dark pruple plasma ball shot out and impacted the Nightmare. A sharp shriek echoed throughout the night as it disappeared. Okay, that makes eight. Eight out of eight, not one of them even tried to escape. She heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the fallen building. Faster than she could think, she moved for the kill - her knife going straight for the throat of whatever poor sod dared enter her hunting space. But she stopped shy centimeters away from the intruder's neck. [b]"As expected from the Fallen Prince, always so greedy when it comes to hunting spaces."[/b] The girl's voice cooed. She placed two fingers against the knife but made no attempt to turn it away. [b][color=166661]"If you wanted to form a team, Heartbreaker, you only needed to ask."[/color][/b] Alex said with a shrug, placing her weapons into their sheathed forms. She waved her hand dismissively and then walked away. The pink haired girl giggled. [b]"Teamwork? Always so close to being those goody two shoes."[/b] [b][color=166661]"Good or bad, teams make it easier."[/color][/b] She pointed out. Alex placed a hand on Heartbreaker's shoulder. [b][color=166661]"I do love teams. But you know me better..."[/color][/b] She then looked at the girl with expecting eyes - trying to see what she could come up with. She placed a finger on her chin and a smirk formed on her face. [b]"Let me guess, you don't like sharing... do you?"[/b] [b][color=166661]"That's my girl."[/color][/b] Alex patted the other witch's head. She leaned in close and whispered something to her. The girl's eyes widened and a sadistic smile spread on her face. The blond leaned away and then patted her shoulder. [b][color=166661]"Good luck friend."[/color][/b] She then walked away from the previously love-themed magical girl. The night was young, but Alex had already finished her hunt. It was time to head back home. She began to whistle as she de-transformed from her magical girl state. It wasn't like this night was special. Sneaking back into her apartment with little to no grime at all from her entire escapade. She turned her head to the picture of her sister. [b][color=166661]"Tomorrow is another day, isn't it, Erina?"[/color][/b] [/hider] [b][color=166661]Other:[/color][/b] What happened to the McVanovich family after Alex's fall is unknown - and she does not talk about it. But she is honest when she tells everyone that she did not kill them. [/hider]