The horse beneath Tannith snorted with nervous agitation, shuffling his hooves a little as the strange crocodile man approached. But with a reassuring pat on his shoulder and a firmer grip on the reins, The soldier got the stallion to settle. He then dropped to the ground, adjusting his sword as the sheath bumped against his thigh. After getting his bearings, he glanced quickly over towards Aneira, fiercely protective of her still. The Lady hesitated for a moment as the man with the canine head offered her a hand, but mentally shook herself and excepted the offer, placing her hand in his and allowing him to help her from her horse. She hastily brushed her skirts into place before dipping into a curtsy. “ I am La-...” she paused a moment, a shadow of fear and uncertainty passing through her before continuing. “Aneira. And my companion is called Tannith. With whom do we have the pleasure of sharing company with this evening?” She then inquired politely, trying not to show her surprise as she looked around at the different figures, though she couldn’t help but twist her hands into fists at her sides. Moving forward, Tannith stepped into place at her side, one hand reflexively resting on the hilt of his sword. Silently, he thought a better question might be [I]what[/I] they were Sharing company with, but he surreptitiously bit his tongue to keep that particular question from escaping. Best not to be rude to a yet unknown entity after all...