[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QKIjW21.png[/img] [h3][color=b16edd]Reina Mori[/color][/h3] [/center] Reina made no expression when the man allowed Roy through, which itself gave her some pause. She had [i]expected[/i] him to back down. The realization of the confidence she had had in herself in that moment felt strange. As though reading her mind, Roy spoke to her. The girl's eyes widened as he admitted to looking up to her. Foreign feelings washed over her that she couldn't even begin to describe. Confusion, denial, even a bit of pride among others, all mixed together. She physically took an involuntary step back, keeping herself near the entrance to the room, but out of the way. As quiet as ever, she watched the scene around her, the weight of everything preventing her from fully processing her surroundings. Her balance wavered a few times, but she managed to stay upright. She [i]fought[/i] to stay upright. Roy... looked up to her. A day ago, she would have dismissed anyone else saying so as a liar. But after all that had happened, and coming so genuinely from Roy, she had no choice but to believe it despite her nature. She had always done her best to hide her negativity behind a--admittedly slightly gloomy--expression. Showing weakness had never done anything for her, so the desire she had now--to hide all the pain, and all the emotion she was experiencing--wasn't too unusual. It was something she knew she could do. And with someone who [i]looked up to her[/i] in the very same room, she'd make sure to hide it all even better than she ever had. That was what heroes did, after all. If she wanted to be able to ever consider herself one, she had to act like it first. Without realizing it, the Reina had begun wearing the nearly imperceptible smile of genuine happiness, that rarely appeared on her lips. Her body wavered again, forcing her to lean her back against the wall. She glanced to Ms. Akane as the woman spoke, and then looked to Donny. After a moment, she opened her mouth, finding herself struggling more with speaking than she expected. [color=b16edd]"Akane-sensei... I... I can help bring Yang-san to... the boy's room..."[/color] she said through heavy breaths. While she wasn't exactly sure how to transport Donny as he was now, she wanted him to get help, and she wanted to see Takeshi... maybe that was why she had felt some amount of confidence in helping Roy enter this room. She had been relating to him, without fully realizing it. The girl stepped forward away from the wall she was leaning on towards Ms. Akane and the puddle that was Donny. [sub][@Silver Carrot][/sub]