[color=orangered][center][h2] Jacquelyn [/h2][/center][/color] A black van drove past the neighborhood and stopped in front of the community park, where a group of men in black clothes emerged from inside the van. The badges attached to their suits seem to indicate some sort of relation with the authority - presumably a government agent of some sorts. They looked around as if they were expecting something, or rather someone, but all they could find was the emptiness of the road. "..And where is our guest of honor?" A deep, raspy voice spoke from inside the van. "He doesn't seem to be here anywhere, Colonel Peeves" one of them answered. "I'm sorry, but mind if I ask if this is the right location?" "You speak as if I hadn't checked that already," the colonel said as he got out of the van himself, weapon in his metallic arm. "Search the area. We are not heading back until we find the man."