My name is Merlijn and I'm 15 years old. I used to play tbrpgs in the rpg subsection of tbgforums, but that got less and less active over time, up untill the point where only the most broad and least strict games remained, and I prefer more strategic/structured games, not just "do whatever and go wild" games. Most people either know me as Treehee or Merren, and both are fine by me. Merren is my nickname, and Treehee is a character I created once. I'm looking for synchronous turn-based strategy games, as well as synchrous turn-based story-focussed rpgs. I'm not native to English, so I apologize if my writing is a little choppy or staight up incorrect. Side note: simple description of Treehee character: "Why is this tree laughing? More importantly, how? Also 150.000 char limit? Nice!