[hider=Twilight Dragoon][b]Name:[/b]Twilight Dragoon [b]Bloodline:[/b] Sol / Nayu [b]Physique:[/b] Thin and slender and over several feet tall. [b]Abilities:[/b] Resistant to photon rays. Can see through all blinding forms of darkness. Can absorb and manipulate light for attacks or to regain stamina and magic. Able to read ones thoughts by meeting eyes with someone. Can turn any shadow into a portal to another shadow within several meter radius. [b]Spells:[/b] [b]Pet:[/b] [hider=Silver fang][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ec/97/7a/ec977a6a38e10fa752c1a004714efdaf--dragons-fantasy-art.jpg[/img] [i]60 feet long and 20 foot wide wyrm[/i] • Capable of weightless flight up to 100 mph. • Unleashes high Divine streams of light as a breathe attack • Conjures chaotic darkness that are unleashed as balls of black flames that disintegrate whatever it touches that has no magical defenses. • Animal like hearing, smell, and sight. • Tough upper scales that deflect most steel attacks. • Steel like claws and teeth. • Can absorb light for renewed energy. • Passive wound and stamina recovery. [/hider] [b]Inventory:[/b] [img]https://s22.postimg.cc/vzm44jj29/Twilight_Dragoon.png[/img] Twilight Armor - Armor made from twilight dragon bones and scales and is able to cover herself in a twilight aura which weakens magical attacks. Can defend against most steel blades. Twilight Lance - A lance made of similar material as her armor. It can resonate with twilight and cut through magical defenses. It can also be altered into a larger sized lance by coating it in a divine and chaotic form. She can return it to her grasp instantly. [/hider]