He'd treat his wound with the first aide kit, making sure that it was nothing serious while dressing it. "Okay, good.... Now, we just have to get this man down to the station as soon as we physically can. Actually, you go and do that. I need to go and get to the crime scene, make sure everyone is alright." Despite being clearly disgruntled and somewhat in a state of shock, Charles climbed down the ladder and began to run back to the scene without Jones being able to say a thing. looking among the chaos for anything that he could grab. Like the remote that had been dropped prior, perhaps. "C'mon, there has to be something I can grab before it's trampled by the crowds.." He'd quickly search through, still running down the street in the process while he had been passing by building after building. His eyes not blinking in the slightest, despite the shrapnel from the explosion making him stumble about a tiny bit.