[center][color=lime][h1]Welcome to Castle Havoc![/h1][/color] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/6b14/f/2012/159/7/6/landscape_by_joakimolofsson-d52p28a.jpg[/img] [color=forestgreen]Many people could recall the day that the sky tore open. The sun grew black and opened up, like a mouth that would have swallowed the world if the people had let it. All kinds of beings gathered to push back the initial swarm. But there will be another, and every day more monster leak through the gap in the sky. Parents scared for their families, and with good reason, started searching for safety. Nowhere is safe, at least not yet. This once luscious land, full of life, is now growing darker with more time that passes. Small bands from other lands began to fight off the strays and protect what ever they had. They made names for themselves and for one reason or another have found their own reasons to fight. I watch the new world unfolding from my window in the humble castle on the hill. My magic keeps it hidden. I have found you, and kindly request your presence here, in my castle. I can give you what you seek, whether it is gold, glory, or perhaps you have a loved one who is close to the devils door. Just remember that all magic comes with a price. Without further a due I welcome you to castle Havoc! My [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/2a45/f/2015/312/9/f/mountain_castle_by_frostwindz-d9feyia.jpg]castle[/url] is where I will meet you. One of my most [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/eb75/f/2016/191/c/d/shadow_fox_by_static_ghost-da9hmao.png]loyal companions[/url] will escort my invite to you, and you to my castle.[/color] [h3][hr][/h3] [color=lime][h3]Rules[/h3][/color] [color=forestgreen][list] [*]All characters must be logically conceived. No species like "half faerie, half Ogre". [*]Post your Character Sheet in the OOC and once I approve it, you may move it to the "Characters". Be creative, and be as fancy, as you want with the Character sheets. They are a skeleton for your character and a personal reference as well, as we all have busy lives and may forget a hair color or two. [*]If you have an issue, concern, or idea please do feel free to message me. I don't bite, well not hard anyway. [*]Please follow all RPGuild rules as they over rule my own. [*]No character killing unless that roleplayer sadly departs from our roleplay or gives you permission. [*]Maximum of two characters please [*]I reserve the right to add more rules later if need be. [/list][/color] [hr] [color=lime][h3]Character Skeleton[/h3][/color] [color=forestgreen]Appearance:[/color] Preferable a picture, or a really good description. Try to find similar art styles, and if you are in love with this anime girl and cannot find another that quite suits your character then her, I don't mind. [color=forestgreen]Name:[/color] If you think it may be hard to read give us a pronunciation. Example Hermione, (Her-mi-one) or (Her-min-ne). [color=forestgreen]Age:[/color] Take into consideration of your species, an elf will live quite longer than a human but please nothing crazy. [color=forestgreen]Species:[/color] Pretty much any fantasy character, if you are unsure if you are allow a certain species.... Ask! [color=forestgreen]Strengths:[/color] Anything really, min 2. you can list them or describe how/why your character has these strengths. What talent/feature/power makes you unique, if you can control fire I may want you, if your super strong, yes that too. Please try to make these different from others. [color=forestgreen]Flaws/Weakness:[/color] Everyone has a flaw, so what is yours? [color=forestgreen]Bio:[/color] Tell me about you [color=forestgreen]Extra:[/color] Here you can list things like: features not in your picture, weapons, or maybe like me you have a companion that follows you around and I want to meet him![/center]