[hider= Casey Carmine CCPD Record] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ac3501de-a630-4568-8d03-2a570ee62686.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/46945a1d-3f61-497d-b6e1-7d5f8ccbc806.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]attached personal photo[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Carmine, Casey G. [b]Nickname:[/b] Case [b]Alias:[/b] Sparkmage [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Blood Type:[/b] A+ [b]Description:[/b] Caucasian male, 6’0ft., lean build, full beard, long dark blonde hair [b]Affiliation:[/b] Former Buckaroo heister, incarcerated for one year and pardoned on good conduct, Currently known solo vigilante and is on Superhuman watch list. [b]Costume Description:[/b] Hard conductive outer layer painted blue with a soft body suit underneath, a painted mask, and a hooded cloak a long with a staff. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4755e8a3-5a19-41dc-acc1-ea6914c7c8e1.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Attached Security Image[/i][/center] [b]Confirmed Powers:[/b] -Electric shock resistance -Electric arc generation -Electric Absorption -Technopathy -Polarization [b]Strengths:[/b] -Subject can hack into any electronic device with ease. -Subject can hear even the tiniest of radio waves -Subject can effectively levitate and hurl chunks of metal at people -Subject is nearly immune to all forms of electricity -Subject uses staff as an amplifier when using other devices [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Subject cannot use any of his abilities/powers without a source of electric charge. -Subject is not completely immune to electricity i.e. subject’s ability to absorb electricity can be overwhelmed by constantly pumping the subject full of electricity before he can discharge it all. -Subject cannot use his ability against non-conductive materials -Subject without staff has a limited range and limited control -Subject can accidentally hurt others if not careful [b]Personality:[/b] -Talkative -Laid Back -Immature -Stubborn [b]Bio/History:[/b] [center][i]Attached Audio Recording Transcript[/i][/center] [i]Alright, is that thing recording? Okay… So, you wanna know more about me for the record? Alright… I don’t know why you won’t just let me write it down, but I guess this works. [sips water] Ahh… Okay, so let’s start from the beginning shall we! Picture me, seventeen years old, really needing that scholarship to that really great tech school. Is it in your head? Good, now picture me getting absolutely crushed when I hear that I can’t get the scholarship. I was desperate, every other school was way out of my range, and even with the cheapest tuition I still wasn’t able to pay it up. So what does a seventeen year old with no parents and no relatives do? He works that’s what, and I worked my fucking ass off in a burger joint just to pay monthly tuition! And that’s not all, oh no! I also have to pay rent, I have to pay for food, water, groceries, I have to pay the damn electricity bills too! Then one day at work this guy comes in and asks if I wanted to make easy money and of course you know what I said – I said “yes I want easy damn money.” That was the moment I became a Buckaroo Heister. I went in to this old hideout near the docks and they gave me three things, a bag, a gun, and a mask; I didn’t need to ask what we were going to do and I really didn’t want to do it but, by the time I realized what was gonna happen it was too late to back out, I knew who they were and where their hiding place is, I was already in too deep. My first heist went well, then the second heist came in, then the third, and fourth and fifth and yadda yadda yadda… You get the picture – We had one rule though, no killing – well no killing regular people, we killed cops but only when we absolutely had to. Then we got new members – members who didn’t care about our no killing policy and when we went on a heist with them it was all just a mess, but they loved it – I was fucking disgusted but the worst part was, the rest of the gang wanted more. I was only in it for the money, nothing more nothing less but I still had my own moral code of ethics. When I finally graduated college I left. [long pause] What?… How did I develop my powers? Well… That’s a long story, but to make it short, when I left the gang they wanted to cut off loose ends, you catch my drift? Anyways, they took me to a power plant, set up a home rigged electric chair, and gave me an electric chair execution and in that violent moment – it happened, I lived… And not only did I live, I found out that the electric chair fucking messed up somehow and it changed me. I guess that’s what happens when you jerry rig an electric chair – or maybe it’s a mutation…. Ah whatever! Wait, that wasn't clear enough? Well, I don't remember the details very well, I just remember a flash of light and thinking I was dead the next thing I knew the chair was broken with smoke and sparks flying everywhere. Anyways I found out that I could generate electric shocks – Well take in electric currents in the environment and generate electric shocks, kind of like how a taser needs a battery charge first. It was fucking amazing, you should’ve seen those boys run… But I didn’t go after them. They’re for you to catch, I have no idea where they are now. Hmm?… Oh yeah! The other benefits of my powers, yeah… Apparently how it works is I can sort of “talk” to devices? It’s weird, but I can use the electric currents to detect signals within other electronics and understand what they mean, like a second language. It’s trippy and weird, I can even hear radio waves and tune in sometimes. Another benefit is I can polarize myself, kind of like a magnet. I can levitate if I want to or hurl metal objects at someone – granted that is only if I can get an electric charge somewhere and the less electricity I got in me the less power I can generate. Why do people call me spark mage? Well, I look like a friggin techno druid that shoots lightning out of a staff why the fuck do you think they call me sparkmage? Hell I don’t even like the name, I’d prefer something cool like… uh… Hooded Lightning... What do you mean that sounds stupid!? Huh? Oh… I became a vigilante because – well call me an idealist or whatever, but I figured I could probably prevent another “me” from happening you know? Going out there and hunting those kinds of people, people looking to just exploit the needy. Kind of like Robin Hood – except not against the government. Is that all? [long pause] Okay great. [subject leaves the room][/i] - End audio [/hider]