[@Zelosse][@liferusher] [i]Okay Sieg, don't do anything rash, size up the threat...[/i] The young knight apprentice thoughtfully assumed a stance slowly, either to evade or fight, as the creature approached, curious. It didn't seem to assume a fighting stance just yet. [i]Now slowly, draw a bolt...[/i]He added, as he took one of his ammunitions as impromptu weapon. If he wanted to get serious, better had a weapon at hand. [i]Well, let's just try to back off real slowly...[/i] He began to measure his steps, his senses keen, when a large jolt made him open his eyes wide.[i]Clumsy Oaf![/i] He cursed as he contained his breath as the other person fell nearby. Without exchanging a glance, he knew exactly who he was. That rabid boy of the market. Sieg didn't even hesitate. Despite the lush vegetation and breathtaking views of wondrous creatures, the Abyss was a battlefield. It was kill or be killed. Using the distraction that the other young man brought, he delivered a bone shattering kick to the bird's body. From what he had known about birds in general, from its game is that they had traded flight for hollow, fragile bones. And that eyes, in general, were a good spot to stab, as he furiously and without warning aimed to kill the bird in his follow up, by stabbing it in the eye with the bolt, before it could react.