[hr][center][@Hekazu] [color=tan]The Unnameable[/color][/center][hr]And that was that then. The impolite man kept strong their act of refusal, while everyone else did indeed reach for the offerings of the floating goblets. Whatever theatrics had led to that happening, he cared little of. Everyone else had joined in the drinking though, so at least not all of the fresh arrivals were unable to fathom the basic concept of manners. And once the aftertaste of the quite exquisite brew had began washing away, it was time for the promised tale. The man sat down on the ground to listen, his legs curled up against his upper body and his arms wrapped around them. His free hand ruffled the hair of his puppet, and he let the story flow in through his ears into his head. The flames withering around one another formed imagery befitting to the story, without burning those present or telling it. The loss of an ancient home to a departure rang bells in his head, but he dared not interrupt the telling. The arrival of a prince, the wounding of such. Healing. Becoming blessed vassals. The only ones ever allowed to leave from the now tyrant's land. It was all very interesting and definitely worth any risks taken in downing the drink. As if there had been any risks in the first place. But now they wanted them to do something about it. Perhaps. But only if there were more secrets to be found behind it... He lowered his knees down to the ground and brushed George's messy hair back into straight locks behind [i]his[/i] back. [color=tan]"George would like to ask a few questions, if he may", [/color]the man requested permission from the herald.[hr]