[@Kangutso] Accepted! Be aware that you are among the last batch of characters I'll be accepting. [quote=The Demon King] [color=red]You weren't a swordsman, nor a ninja, nor a wizard. What use did you have for the smithy, for crafting? You have arrived in a world of countless tools. Thousands of blades, piles of swords. This is where many paths will cross. Where many desires will flow. Where a second death awaits. This chance could end in a single swing. Where is the heart of your blade? Skill Gain: Crafting I Your knowledge and understanding of mechanics, workmanship, and other such things enable you to craft better items. The process of creating items is still an unknown to you, and your current species doesn't support many items, but if you ever succeed in such a creation its Sub-Stat Enhancements will be higher than normal.[/color][/quote] [@ghastlyInc][@CollectorOfMyst] You can still join, but after this latest batch of people I'm going to close the RP. What classes you choose are up to you, even if it seems like we have a lot of that species already--if you want to be more unique or fill a certain role that's fine, I don't expect everyone to make a perfectly balanced party. [@ShwiggityShwah] I'm sorry I haven't been around to answer questions and the like, I've had a busy couple of days at work. You can still join if you'd like, and I'll try to answer any questions you have--your initial character concept, the obsessive mother, sounded fine to me. [u][b]Everyone, please be aware that while this final batch of players submits their CS applications, I'm going to go ahead and close the RP to new applications. Right now I feel like we have enough players that I'm on the verge of not being able to put the proper amount of focus on everyone as a GM, so I'm going to shut 'er down until we have a good rhythm going again. To the new players, we are still in the "Noob Cave" type area, not a lot has happened in terms of plot and story. Most characters have simply been surviving by hunting, gathering resources, fighting off other monsters, and exploring. They have discovered information on the Boss and his second-in-command, the Mana Crystals and Healing Herbs are getting low because they have been harvested so much, and the entrance to the cave has suffered a partial cave-in. Other than that it's been mostly character interaction and combat.[/b][/u]