[hr][center][@JohnSolaris] [b][color=maroon]Zaerith Dustborn[/color][/b][/center][hr][color=maroon]"You did not answer my question,"[/color] Zaerith's eyes narrowed. [color=maroon]"I asked how you expect the likes of me to help. Somehow I doubt the humbleness regarding the extent of your arcane power will improve my chances, and who is to say my powers can endure in this land any more reliably than yours?"[/color] Who knows, perhaps these people don't actually have any solid reasons to place any trust in the abilities of this ragtag group. Perhaps they're grasping at straws, approaching anyone who may remotely have a chance, hoping that one of them will succeed sooner or later. Which isn't very likely, given the track record of this "prince" of theirs... Of course, there was no reason Zaerith could actually refuse, due to the very nature of this request. But the gypsies did not know that. And nor can Zaerith even trust the words coming out of the blind man's mouth. Unfortunately, there were no other leads to follow. [color=maroon]"Regardless, I happen to know of this prince you speak of."[/color] Zaerith's face was a carefully maintained mask of neutrality. [color=maroon]"Not much by any means, but enough to tell me that he may have what I am looking for. So at the very least, I will meet with your Lady Eva and listen to what she has to say."[/color] Then he turned his face to the others, waiting to see if they have anything else to say. [hr][center][@William Cade] [color=navajowhite]Egil[/color][/center][hr]The fighter distrusted magic in almost all of its forms and especially in a forest such as this. [color=navajowhite]"Enough with this nonsense,"[/color] Egil stepped forward and looked around at the hooded man. [color=navajowhite]"Who is Lady Eva?"[/color][hr]