As Klank approached the broken raft, he thought to himself if the lone man actually believed it would get him anywhere. Even in shambles, it was obvious where his failures in creating his escape had appeared. Bindings in all the wrong places, not enough security in those spots, and a few more important parts to keeping a raft together. He seemed excited, though, as Bighead conversed. He promised adventure and enemies and Klank couldn't help but think even more damage to the ship he worked so hard to maintain. That worry was confirmed by what seemed to be the somehow hot-headed attitude of the guys weapon. It was alive and apparently in fighting shape. Bighead was not phased and toyed with the weapon. "It's leg leg day," he said. Suddenly, a bolt of destruction crackled down and had its way with the mans raft. He flinched as it happened. "Well," he whispered to himself. "No fixing that." He observed the ship again just to make sure. He considered whipping out his multi-tool and the board on his back. It would have been pointless, however. Starting a brand new raft was the only way to help this man. That seemed pointless as well, as the captain had already been so intrigued. The man didn't even get a proper test, probably for the better though. Bigheads test always steered people away. As soon as staying on the ship was mentioned, another bolt of lightning struck, this time on the ship. He sighed at the thought of what the weapon yelled out amidst its attack on the captain. Curse. Out of nowhere, someone fell from the ship and turned into a bulb of ice. The person approached and Bighead was quick to get excited and already welcome her as a part of the crew. "What the hell is going on today," Klank thought. He was only slightly more than slightly baffled by today's events. Sailing with Bighead was a constant adventure and for a moment, he was interested in what these two might have to offer. The woman seemed defensive and with a wild imagination. Klank went with it, knowing full well the Bighead pirates could not remain two forever if they were to brave and survive the grand line. Not that braving it posed a problem.