[@Burning Kitty][@Assallya][@Dnafein] I'm calling a moratorium on this discussion for now before people say things other people regret, the discussion stops being a discussion and becomes an argument, and then the RP dies. [hider=A Final Word]Burning Kitty's sheet was accepted, and at this point in this RP's canon, full holographic crew/multi-vector assault mode exist and are things. Nobody is threatening the nonexistence of your ship/concept. Two (of many) types of RP'ers are: those that enjoy looking up details and carefully thinking them through to arrive at the right answer, and those that have an idea and grab any details they can find to back them up. I think you two are both detail-oriented people, you're just using them differently. It's incredibly difficult to properly research and arrive at a single right and consistent answer for anyone else's ship but your own in this sort of RP, which is why (as I stated in the OOC) I tend toward narrative evidence rather than externally-sourced arguments. In short, neither of you are wrong. You're orthogonal to each other. So keep that in mind.[/hider] Also, NanoFreakV2 and I, after talking about it and combining what I've said earlier and what Stargate does with Goa'uld shields on the show, have arrived at this: [list][*]Energy weapons are better against Goa'uld shields, kinetics are better against hull[*]The more concentrated the energy weapon, the better it is against Goa'uld shields[*]Large kinetics (think MAC cannons, nukes) are somewhat effective against Goa'uld shields; smaller kinetics (generic missiles, small railguns) are nearly useless[*]Similarly, large energy weapons (think 2km long laser beam-ship) somewhat effective against hull, while smaller energy weapons (generic staff cannons) tend to dissipate.[*]These are guidelines. Weird situations will arise that lead to exceptions.[/list]