[center] Jarett[/center] "Yes, Alea came to us a week ago with a letter the Harbinger sent to her. It said something about a secret meeting and the Thalmor. Alit is the one with the letter," Jarett said as he walked past the gates and waited for Velan to catch up. Zazar seemed to have wasted no time in looking for information despite his mistrust of humans. Solitude had little Nords in it, most of them were Imperials, but he still understood the uneasiness of his Companions. "Haskell, you are welcome to search for the Harbinger with us, the more, the merrier." Jarett grinned and patted the man on the back as he walked past him. "We shouldn't worry too much about him. That man is the most powerful man in Skyrim. Maybe he's just taking a little vacation and catching a break from this gloomy place." The Redguard shrugged and began to look around the city. Solitude was a beautiful place. It didn't compare to his hometown, but it was beautiful. It just lacked color. Everything in Skyrim lacked color. [center]_______________________[/center] [center] Keldan [/center] "I am really glad you enjoyed it." Keldan's smile widened as she took Maira's hand and shook it. "And you can call me Keldan." She could see now that the orc woman was just a few inches shorter than she was. "It is very nice to meet you," She glanced over at the man when Maira turned. Keldan had seen him a couple of times around Solitude; he was known to be a slippery man with the guards. She remembered him seeing him getting caught for petty crimes. [i]I wonder what she wants with him.[/i] Keldan thought as she let her fingers linger just slightly on Maira's. "I hope to see you around, Maira, it's not often that a pretty face passes through Solitude." With that, she continued to play. Someone requested [i]The Dragonborn Comes[/i], so she obliged and played the song for the man on the far right corner with several bottles of Nord ale on his table. Keldan stole glances at the orc woman and the man as she sang and played. The bard's college had thought her more than just tales, songs, and music. She had learned to read people, to asses them and to examine their behavior and reactions. Seducing and deceiving was something most bards also knew how to do quite well, and Keldan thought she was quite well at it. Ever since leaving the Summer Isles she had to survive one way or another, and she couldn't be picky about the methods she used to get where she was now. If she wanted to know or have something, she would do whatever it took to get it. And right now she wanted to know why a pretty face like Maira was in Solitude.