Alexander shook from lasting fear, his tousled hair disheveled and whipped to the left from the forceful removal of the aircar. But as the reality of his life remaining donned on him, he let out a rattled breath, and an anger returned to his visage. "You..." he seethed between his teeth, his blue eyes fixed on Junebug. "You insolent-" A foot appeared where his jaw had been, and the royal's neck snapped back, followed by the rest of his body as the unconscious captive fell over. Neil clapped his hands off, satisfied with his handiwork at silencing the man. "Eat it bitch." Neil spat, grinning, seemingly engrossed in his own world. The pilot turned to Junebug a moment later. "Why didn't you shoot him?" Neil took the shotgun and hefted it, aiming at Alexander, only for it to audibly click once more. "Why didn't y-oh." He turned the comm back on, only to hear Aiden speaking tersely and harsh to Junebug. "Bring him to me, and we will speak of this later." His voice cut out, to be replaced by Taya's more soft, sympathetic voice. You could almost hear her strained smile. "I got the camera's working again, you probably figured out. I also unaltered the footage from earlier...good job team?" Neil absorbed all of the information, and nodded after it dawned on him what had just transpired. "Oooooh." [hr] The following hours were filled with shouting and aimed guns, as the Prince and his party first fled the opulent wing of Alexander and made their toward the first station of guards they had found, being swiftly inducted into custody while the royal officials of Dar'mond reviewed the tape and gave the footage a metric scan and a full diagnostic. It was only by the will of Aiden's mother the Queen, and the fact they had given themselves over willingly that the officials had even bothered listening to them. That and, the famed cult status the [i]Highlander[/i] crew had gained in their brief time on the planet. Prince Aiden had been cordoned off by the Dar'mond Planetary Defense Department, and after hours of sitting in a cell, Junebug, Neil, and Taya had been set free and escorted under arms to their quarters. The guard that accompanied them to their rooms were decked out in Daristeel plate and carried the latest plasma rifles, embroidered with gold and bronze filigree and enhanced sights along the base of the barrel. Neil had to admit they were fine looking weapons, and judging the power cells, they could even be used in a light anti-tank fashion. They didn't deign to speak with the crew, however. The doors had simply been shut behind them. However, the group did not even have time to get undressed when the doors were reopened. Taya sighed heavily, deciding not to even give a curtsy to whoever was coming to greet them. As the gateway opened, Ranald stepped through with that looked like a portable vidcaster ledger, his smile meeting his eyes. "Well, I suppose the heroes of Dar'mond have found themselves out of the noose yet again." He said, albeit somewhat sadly, oddly enough. "Here is the invitation for tomorrow's coronation. It has not been officially announced yet, but the Prince insists the planet gets it over with. I feel as if this ordeal has taxed him." He placed the invitation in Junebug's hands. "Oh and..." Ranald bared his teeth as if he was about to do something unpleasant. "I am afraid, Captain Cykali, that the Prince has decided that he shan't attend with a date. But he looks forward to seeing you and your friends." There was a small uncomfortable silence, and Ranald clapped his hands to banish the quiet. "Well, you deserve your rest. You will be celebrated and rewarded come the morning...and you have my personal thanks for clearing the Prince's name." With a bow, he escorted himself out. Taya was already asleep on the lush couch, having not heard the brunt of the man's message. Neil unloosened his collar, grimacing at the suit as if it was personally offending him. "Well...I'd hate to pass up free food, but maybe we should just go." Neil said, then realized what he was suggesting. Junebug's bewildered look showed her surprise at him giving up treasures and prizes. "You're right, you're right." He said, and placed a hand on his hips as he looked around. His sleeves rolled up and his collar unbuttoned, he would only need a cigarette and Neil would look the part of a scruffy, fetching noire character. He went over to the bar and his delighted "oooooo" revealed that they had restocked the bar yet again. He tossed Junebug her favored whiskey poison, and took up a second bottle for himself. "So when do we tell Taya?" Sayeeda asked, swilling her bottle, tipping its butt into the air. "Let's surprise her in the morning." Neil grinned, and tapped his bottle into hers as he took a large gulp as well. He sighed audibly, and a thought popped into his head not moments later. "Since we're going tomorrow, wanna be my date?" Though it was a serious question, Neil fluttered his lashes. [@Penny]