[hider=Leoleo][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=415Efip95DA][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bdLi6BG4Gxg/S8-bzatwp-I/AAAAAAAABo8/XBJVUe-oqvE/s1600/numero6.jpg[/img][/url][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Leopold van Steinwald, or Leoleo [i](Lay-oh-polled van Shtine-valt, Lay-oh-lay-oh)[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Profession/vocation:[/b] Inquisitor Exempt – his primary function is to find internal enemies, particularly those with political power and 'fix their thinking' with Subvocalurgy [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Inquisition, Emperor of Kiezland, Himself [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*] Subvocalurgy[/*] [*] Loads and loads of [i]cash[/i] (not a skill per se, but it's a string to his bow)[/*] [*] Broadly spoken, speaking most languages spoken in the Union and Eronia[/*] [*] Classical education[/*][/list] [b]Traits:[/b] [list][*] Capricious[/*] [*] Unsubtle[/*] [*] Spoilt[/*] [*] Charming[/*] [*] Fun-loving[/*][/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Leopold would not be most people's first guess as an Inquisitor Exempt – he is walking carefree aristocratic decadence. Nobody is quite sure what he does with his time, but one suspects it is spent largely with beautiful young women (and, in some corners, men) behind closed doors, amid the fug of cigarette smoke and wine-induced laughter. While these accusations aren't strictly untrue, they do not take into account the amount of time he spends working – while hardly around the clock, he is never switched 'off' or relaxed. Though nobody in his social circles knows of his true identity as Inquisitor, if they did, they would suggest his ostentatious caprice was an act, a mere guise for a cold and calculating underside. His whimsical behaviour is no deception, and is, in many ways, his best defence; nobody would suspect him, and, as such, he has the standard aristocratic access to those environment where he does his best work; infecting the rich and powerful. Leoleo is enthralled by his work, wielding a great power almost unheard of for somebody his age and, crucially, none of the responsibility, acting directly under the mandate of the Arch Inquisitor. Selfish Leoleo is built for ballrooms, dining rooms and bedrooms, not the House of Questions or Punishment Factories. While he certainly isn't stupid, and has been known to be pointlessly cruel or vindictive while in a sour mood, he keeps himself in high society. Exposure to the grubbier hinterworld of physical violence, oppression and poverty will turn his stomach. He chooses ignorance. [b]Biography:[/b] Leopold van Steinwald is the great nephew of the Emperor of Kiezland. Of course, in such incestuous, mass-bred circles, this makes him a potential heir, but perhaps fifty-fourth in line to the throne. It is unlikely the world will ever see a Kaiser Leopold. Nevertheless, he hardly had a difficult time growing up. It took him a few years to become accustomed to the backbiting and intrigue of the aistocracy, but quickly found himself adept at this. Aged seventeen, he performed his token national service (technically, he is [i]Captain[/i] van Steinwald) and attended university. It was here that his uncanny ability for Thaumaturgy, specifically Subvocalurgy, revealed itself to the professor of thaumaturgy and his personal tutor. Whatever nothing it was that he wasn't bothering to properly study was immediately benched; Leoleo's new goal in life was to lean to control people. Of course, during this time, his exposure to the high society was no less diminished, including to agents from the Union. They had presumably been seeking allies in Kiezland for a while, but Leoleo was the first suitable candidate they came across. He was not an [i]informant[/i] per se, but he definitely did some informing in his time, and, as time passed, he also did a little influencing, though he never found out exactly what the organisation was that he came to be involved with. Shortly following his father's death, and his further separation from the throne, he received an invitation from an emissary of the Arch Inquisitor – come to the Union. Be what he was, a foreign, exciting noble, la crème de la crème of the aristocracy – and use the opportunities that presented themselves to influence the great and the good to make them greater and better.