[@Drifting Pollen] [i]Two seconds into Catskulls introduction, an entire set of alternate dimensions were brought into being. Catskull #3, created from Catskull #1, allowed his Dane sword to tumble to the ground, quickly drawing his rapier in a left underhand grip and the axe in his right. It'd take him only a hot second to shift his grip and right the rapier the way it was meant to be held, bringing it to bear by fully extending his left arm towards Tekla and aiming the point at her face, left foot leading. The shield and axe he kept relatively low. Provided Tekla didn't rush him in an attempt at keeping him from fully arming himself, not an easy feat given how much distance she had to cross, then he'd pick up the offensive and began creeping towards her, unwavering in his confidence. Catskull #4 paused for two seconds after his creation, stopping to cough, but still keeping his eyes on Tekla before he resumed his approach. All the other Catskulls were apt to see what was going to happen to #2. Tekla flung the end of the chain, and Catskull #2 was startled by her speed. He couldn't quite tell where the chain was going to fly, and thus in response he bent his right knee to drop lower and hunched over, blade whirling into a low outside hanging guard. The tip buried itself into the ground twenty inches from Catskull's lead foot, so that whether the chain went low or high, it'd catch the sword instead of a limb. If this came to pass, then immediately after he'd rush her, moving low and fast so that she'd not be able to pull the chain back efficiently with the sudden increase in slack. The shield was born horizontally before him, Dane sword cocked narrowly at his flank as if in preparation for a mighty two-handed horizontal slice, ready to defend or attack with equal parts efficiency. The chain would likely just slip off the blade. He'd be able to reach her in only a few seconds, slowing as he neared so he'd have a significant degree of control if she tried pulling something fancy. Meanwhile, the Tekla that had to deal with Catskull #4 would witness the man neatly perform the same action that #2 had done, albeit much more calmly and with fractionally better timing. All the while, the original was still yammering on about the repute of the Maclungs and how insolent this woman was. His actual thoughts couldn't have been more different.[/i] [b]~What unnatural speed is this? No human woman could swing like that. This one is as swift even as I am, the ensouled Maclung trained by Malimore himself. To think a mere peasant... I should have emptied mine bladder at yonder pub, for now do I risk the dampening of my loins at the next bewilderment this concubine reveals.~[/b]