Blood splattered against Joseph's helmet as the bandit's head rolled away from his body. His swords fell from his hands as the corpse tumbled onto the ground dead as could be. His swords, while somewhat chipped and blacken with spots of rust, was still much better in quality than the rest of the brigand's weapons, and his armor, while not as good as plate, could possibly be worn as a gambeson. The dark metallic ring glistened in the night sky as if trying to catch Joseph's eye. There was no other threats at the moment though no doubt the carrion eaters would arrive soon, and they would be more than glad to add Joseph to the corpse pile. [@Zaphander] [hr] [b]"Hmm. Giving orders already?"[/b] But sure enough Varrock turned away and watched the hobgoblin as he was charmed by Assallya's spell. Varrock wasn't too impressed though; he thought she was going to use something flashy to kill it or disable it. Leaving it distracted was... Underwhelming. Especially if this was all she could do. But Varrock could take advantage of this situation, in more ways than one. he picked up a rock and tested it's weight as he spoke plainly, not moving from his spot. [b]"You're truly a fool if you think this is suppose to impress me. Now allow me to ask you again, with specifics this time. What can you offer me, and will that be enough for me not to simply toss this rock at the ogre's head to break your spell over him, and let him ravage you like a beast?"[/b] Varrock was satisfied with his stone and was ready to throw it. [@Assallya] [hr] As Roy fell into his delusional coma, more beasts arrived to eat the corpses of the horned wolves. Among the beasts was a tall, gangling man. Despite his seemingly human appearance the beasts did not bother him, and in fact they seem to only be here because he was, as he took out a blade to butcher the wolves and feed the pack. As they began to leave he turned towards the stables were Roy was hidden and smiled. He took out a small book from his pocket and wrote on it in blood. He had one of the crows that was following him leave the note near Roy, somewhere that he could see. On note was an image of a highly detailed rose drawn in blood with one word written underneath: Come. By the time Roy would awaken the man and the beasts would be gone. [@Searat] [hr] The night was getting darker for Yomiko. Plenty of ruins she can hide in if she choose to camp, though no where was ever truly safe in the ruins of Norn. However as she traveled she would come across a peculiar sight; undead fighting beasts. Seven zombie warriors facing off against two large boars, with tusks covered in serrated wire. The undead were particularly canny foes who utilized careful tactics and even evasive maneuvers against the boars, however most of their blades failed to cut into the boar's thick hides. It seemed like it was a stalemate between the undead and the beasts as the undead couldn't break the flesh, but the boars could not land a blow. Another thing of note was that the undead did not appear to be particularly random; while their armor was piece mail and falling apart, each one appear to have been wearing some sort of black cloth with a white symbol on it. It appeared to be a white sword with a circle going around the hilt. The boars as well had something carved into their hides, a sort of rose emblem. What shall the kitsune do? [@Norschtalen]