Aveline winced slightly at the way the Sheriff raised his voice, her ears ringing like a haunting of the gunshot that once ripped through her skull. She had been living in Selina long enough for the residents to know about her aversion to loud noises, not that many seemed to care. Aveline continued to smile as her tinnitus faded back to the dull buzz of noise around her. She wasn't a huge fan of the Sheriff's condescending way of referring to her, she had just snapped a man's nose back into place with her bare hands and he still had the guts to call her a good girl, but she had no voice to speak her complains. Instead, in a show of defiance, she just continued to smile. The mute woman glanced around at the gathered visitors, who all seemed to be here because of Ghost Rock, she certainly hoped that leading them to Father O'Flanagan would be helpful for their adventure. She smiled, falling into her thoughts. In a way, it was like she was going on an adventure herself! She suddenly became aware again that she was being expected to walk the stranger over to the church. Since none of them objected Aveline simply curtsied, gave a little wave to get the men's attention, and began the short walk over to the church. During the jaunt across down the mute women would glance over her shoulder, making sure the travelers were following. Once outside the church Aveline hurried up the stairs and began knocking on the wooden door. She lived in the church, and would normally have no issue with just walking in, but getting the attention of Father O'Flanagan would be another story. While waiting for the Father, or another person inside the church, to answer the door, Aveline looked back at the other, smiling, before trying to rub the drying blood off her dress. The last thing she needed was Father O'Flanagan seeing her with blood on her clothes.