Done! Hope it all checks out. Cheers! [indent][hider=Nana Benzaiten][center][img][/img] [h3][b][color=black]Nana Benzaiten[/color][/b][/h3] [b]“I'm in no hurry. Take your time.”[/b] [color=black]—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color][/center] [indent][color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Name:[/b][indent]Nana Benzaiten.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Nicknames:[/b][indent]Ben; He hates it though because it means poop.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Clan:[/b][indent]Nana Clan.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Rank:[/b][indent]Genin.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Sex:[/b][indent]♂ Male.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Sex appearance:[/b][indent]♂ Male.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Age:[/b][indent]13 years old.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Age appearance:[/b][indent]He looks about his age.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Sexuality:[/b][indent]Homosexual.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Birthplace:[/b][indent]Amegakure.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Village:[/b][indent]Amegakure.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Affiliations:[/b][indent][color=gray]x[/color] Nana Clan. [color=gray]x[/color] Amegakure. [color=gray]x[/color] The Amegakure Animal Shelter.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Chakra natures:[/b][indent][b]Primary nature:[/b][indent][i][img][/img] Yang Release. [/i][/indent][b]Secondary nature:[/b][indent][img][/img] Yin Release.[/indent][b]Tertiary nature:[/b][indent][img][/img] Earth Release.[/indent][/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Wardrobe:[/b][indent]His attire in general isn't anything particularly special. For combat purposes, he wears the standard Amergakure genin uniform, though his is a slightly more form fitting to fit his thin frame. He wears the Amegakure band around his left ankle and the insignia of his own clan is engraved on a bracelet he wears around his wrist. Outside of combat, he wears simple clothes like a t-shirt and jeans. Benzaiten is also known to wear garments resembling overalls and a large straw hat. He tends to like this style for some reason. Apparently his grandfather makes a living as a farmer somewhere in the Land of Fire, so he seemingly mimics his grandfather's style whenever he comes to visit him and his sisters. He can often be found carrying around a small drawing book that he sketches in when he is bored.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=black] ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— [h3][b]Biography[/b][/h3] [img][/img] The Nana Clan —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color][/center] [indent][color=gray]▸[/color] [b]History:[/b][indent] Born and raised within the confines of Amegakure, Ben always found his hometown to be somewhat ruffled. Even from a very young age, the perpetual rain was something that he could never completely attune to. This was a common complex amongst the members of his clan, a clan of cat-like shinobi who somehow settled within a city with which they had the least compatibility with of the major nations. Cats in a rainy city? What gives? Ben had always been shy and bit withdrawn, opting to remain indoors due to the natural climate of his village. Instead of playing in the rain like the other children, he'd spend hours gazing out the window, drawing and sketching the images of the world and the people that passed before him. Like most in his clan, he would eventually learn to somewhat acclimatize to his village as he got older, but a lingering despondence would forever linger. Though still a wallflower, he would make friends like any other school child, his bloodline ability to turn into a cat especially a hit with the ladies. Not that he liked girls anyways, he'd realize once he got a bit older, though he had a profound respect for them. Ben was finally entering the typical genesis of a young adolescent, discovering who he was and what he liked and so on and so forth. It didn't take long for him realize that though. He practically stalked one of his male classmates in his feline form for half a year. As the middle child of 7 siblings, life was always interesting in his clan; two of his siblings being pure felines made for interesting situations. When his father came back from war, it was invigorating to see him again, proud and strong and nimble, with a keen feline intuition and elusiveness. When he wasn't helping at the local animal shelter, he spent his time training in the ways of his father. Losing his mother when he was 12 was difficult to come to terms with, but he's come to realize with she will always be with him, in mind, body, and soul. [/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent][color=green]✓[/color] [b]Gentle.[/b][indent][i]Ben is known amongst his siblings as having always been the most agreeable of the bunch. He is sweet-natured, adorable, and mild in temperament and speaks to others in a soft-spoken and gentle manner. This generally makes him endearing, loveable, and easy to talk to.[/i][/indent][color=red]✗[/color] [b]Shy.[/b][indent][i]He is a wallflower through and through. Ben oftens feels awkward around new people and it takes longer for him to get to know them. He can be somewhat mistrusting of others. Ben gets embarrassed easily, but appreciates it when people approach him first.[/i][/indent][color=green]✓[/color] [b]Patient.[/b][indent][i]One of his strongest qualities is that he is extremely patient. It's rare that he gets flustered by time. He has an uncanny ability and willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. This makes him perfect for prolonged situations where patience is a virtue.[/i][/indent][color=red]✗[/color] [b]Sensitive.[/b][indent][i]Ben can sometimes become easily emotional due to surrounding factors. He cries relatively easily and his feelings can get hurt easily as well. Even simple things like a starry night can make him feel nostalgic. His siblings say he is the crybaby of the family. When someone hurts his feelings, he often distances himself from others.[/i][/indent][color=green]✓[/color] [b]Gentlemanly.[/b][indent][i]Like a knight, Ben is very courteous and chivalrous, especially towards girls. He does quaint things like open doors for them and let them eat first. Despite being shy around people, he is actually incredibly brave and gallant, a trait that makes him quite charming.[/i][/indent][color=red]✗[/color] [b]Pensive.[/b][indent][i]His thoughts are always flowing, so much so that he sometimes becomes a bit pensive, getting lost in deep reflective thought. He can become so introspective at times, that he can seem a bit absentminded and melancholic and lose sight of what's ahead or miss important things that someone said. Ben is known to daydream often and can appear a bit lazy because of it.[/i][/indent][color=green]✓[/color] [b]Cat-like Intuition.[/b][indent][i]Like a cat, Benzaiten is nimble, agile, and very perceptive of his surroundings and has a keen sense for danger. He has a very strong "escape" instinct, so when he feels cornered or trapped, it provokes an uncharacteristically powerful fear-based escape behavior within him, where becomes aggressive and hostile. (This can be a good or a bad thing) [/i][/indent][color=red]✗[/color] [b]Insecure.[/b][indent][i]He doesn't have the greatest confidence in himself or his capabilities. Ben sometimes doubts himself, especially when he cannot achieve something that he really set his heart out on doing or when people around him are stronger. Because he can become easily discouraged, it is important to reassure him otherwise.[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Dreams and hopes:[/b][indent][color=gray]x[/color] Befriend a Legendary Beast. [color=gray]x[/color] Become a famous artist. [color=gray]x[/color] Rescue as many animals as he can. [color=gray]x[/color] Become a chunin. [/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Desires:[/b][indent][color=gray]x[/color] Meet his favorite painter. [color=gray]x[/color] Befriend different types of animals. [color=gray]x[/color] Go on vacation. [color=gray]x[/color] Cat Naps.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Fears:[/b][indent][color=gray]x[/color] His sisters or father dying before he does. [color=gray]x[/color] Nightmares of his mother's passing. [color=gray]x[/color] Animals suffering and not being able to rescue them. [color=gray]x[/color] Losing his arms and hands.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Motivations:[/b][indent]The world is a canvas. And he sees each part of the world as an important stroke to complete the grand masterpiece. He desires a world where everyone can be themselves and stay in balance with nature and animals. He fights for peace and to prove to himself that he is more capable than he gives himself credit for. To fight like his father, to honour his mother, and to protect his 6 sisters.[/indent] [center][color=black] ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— [h3][b]Military[/b][/h3] ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color][/center] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Kekkei genkai:[/b][indent]Feline Metamorphosis [indent][color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Description:[/b][indent]Members of the Nana Clan have the natural ability to transform into a cat/feline, taking on all the skills and attributes associated with them. This form varies between the members, some taking on more domestic forms while others appear to take after the wilder variety. Members of the Nana Clan can remain in cat form indefinitely so as long as they sustain themselves like a normal cat would. Members of the clan who get pregnant and give birth while in cat form, have offspring who are born as cats and are unable to transform into humans for their entire lives. Because of this, the clan has a mixture of human and pure cat-form members, though communication between both remains the same. Members of the Nana Clan cannot communicate verbally with other people outside the clan while in cat form, but rely on transmitting faint chakra signals that share an impression of how they are feeling or subtle desires. Some people understand these signals better than others.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Strengths:[/b][indent]This kekkei genkai not only grants the clan members all of the strengths, instincts, and skills of their feline form, but they also possess enhanced regenerative capabilities when they rest and their saliva can be used to enhance the regenerative processes of wounds to heal others by licking them.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b][indent]Remaining in cat form for too long will slowly cause the cat mentality to take over until they lose/forget to return to their human form all together. They are privy to all the same weaknesses as a normal feline while in feline form. They are especially susceptible to steel while in their feline forms, and are unable to heal properly if they are wounded by a steel-based object. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]S-rank Techniques[/b][indent]N/A[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]A-rank Techniques[/b][indent]N/A[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]B-rank Techniques[/b][indent]N/A[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]C-rank Techniques[/b][indent][url=]Altering Terrain Technique[/url] [url=]Demonic Illusion: False Surrondings Technique[/url] [url=]Forbidden Technique: Mud Golems[/url] [/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]D-rank Techniques[/b][indent]Knows all the basic genin-level D-ranked jutsus.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]E-rank Techniques[/b][indent]Knows all the basic genin-level E-ranked jutsus.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Custom Jutsu:[/b][indent] [b]Cat Nap: Restoration[/b] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Rank:[/b][indent]C[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Range:[/b][indent]Self[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Description:[/b][indent]While in feline form, Ben can put himself to sleep, allowing his body to regenerate and heal his wounds.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b][indent]The greater the wound, the longer he has to sleep. The healing process is disrupted and will not function properly if the injury was caused by steel. [/indent][/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Custom Jutsu:[/b][indent] [b]Cat Nap: Projection[/b] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Rank:[/b][indent]C[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Range:[/b][indent]Long[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Description:[/b][indent]While in feline form, Ben can put himself to sleep. While sleeping, he project an astral projection of his human form, which he can control. The project of himself is corporeal and can interact with the environment. His feline body will remain sleep until he recalls the projection or it is destroyed. He can also cast jutsus from his projection.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b][indent]His cat form remains in slumber and is left vulnerable until his projection returns to it.[/indent][/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Custom Jutsu:[/b][indent] [b]Cat Nap: Dream[/b] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Rank:[/b][indent]C[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Range:[/b][indent]Area of Effect[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Description:[/b][indent]While in feline form, Ben can put himself to sleep. While sleeping, he project his dreams in an area around himself, creating a genjutsu that traps thoughs near him within it.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b][indent]This genjutsu can be dispelled in the same manner that someone would dispel a any other C-ranked genjutsu. This genjutsu ends if he wakes up.[/indent][/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Custom Jutsu:[/b][indent] [b]Heal Lick[/b] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Rank:[/b][indent]C.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Range:[/b][indent]N/A[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Description:[/b][indent]While in feline form, the enzymes in his saliva can heal the wounds of others by licking them.[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b][indent]Not as potent as a normal medical technique. Licking wounds leaves a bad taste in his mouth. More severe wounds just cannot be fully healed with this technique.[/indent][/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Equipment and weaponry[/b][indent]Altering Terrain Diagram Scroll [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Type:[/b][indent]Scroll[/indent] [color=gray]▸[/color] [b]Description:[/b][indent]This is a unique scroll that creates a diagram of the surrounding area and terrain as he moves around. This scroll is used as a medium for his terrain altering technique, that allows him to instantly make changes to terrain by modifying and altering the diagram. [/indent][/indent] [/indent][/hider][/indent]