[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmI4MDBiNy5WbWx2Y21Wc0lFWnBZV05vY21FLC4w/parseltongue.regular.png[/img][/center] Apparent Age: 32 Alias: Imita [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/383780614710755328/448277378007826442/imita.png[/img][/center] Tier: 5.5 Years Spent in SYNBAD: 19 - 12 of those years was leading an unnamed group of New Breeds, teaching them how to survive, teaching them how to be a community. The 7 of those years were after Angelica and him created the firestation and offered a place for those who needed homes. Then of course began the building and organization of creating SYNBAD which Viorel had a significant part to play. He is the current leader of SYNBAD though he always encourages and mentors those he see as taken part in leadership. Appearance: A man watches the group with a stern looking, violet irises take in the world and studied it. Those who were tempted to look into his gaze found the world trapped in observant ocular study. Viorel is a man who comes off stern and serious, it is in his mannerisms, he walks upright, his back straight, his chest evenly aligned with his shoulders. He keeps his head up, which brings the harshness of his pensive, sharp angular features. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/f7sLD8/Viorel.jpg[/img][/center] A raven that sat perched in the corner of the room, with dark violet hair swept back, and skin that reminded others of a porcelain doll. It had hints of peach and hints of rose, though mostly faint, and nearly glossy which betrayed his human silhouette. Viorel was not a man known to choose a bright wardrobe, often clothed in monotone colors, mainly a black coat with twin tails, black slacks, with knee high boots, also black, and often a black sweater that came up to his neck. This man wasn’t known for expressing much either. His face seemed stuck, frozen in one emotion as if it were carved there by someone long ago. Though those who know Viorel, know while his face may not show warmth, his heart does. The man kind and tolerant, patient like a father, and wise beyond his apparent age. While he may lack the surface humanity it lay hidden within the hollow shell that is the representation of his body. Though Viorel has remnants of an ancient history. A Romanian accent he cannot quite shake off. His voice rolls like dripping honey, his words often like silk, they wrap around you and keep you listening, despite its lack of extra notes in it. He speaks of a man with pose and elegance, formal, sophisticated, and from another time Viorel is always subject to fascination from others who observe this living puppet man. Stands at 5’10”, 177cm, and weighs 130lbs, 58kg. [center]To imitate life, to mimic it's graces, it's cruelties, to mirror it's horrors. It is what a performer does. A performer pours all of himself and all of the world he sees and imitates it. I am Imita.[/center] [hider= Imita Costume][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/bYH8w7/thisiswicked3.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Personality: Viorel is a critical man, he is straightforward and gets to the point very quickly. He comes off as someone who has no patience with those who want to fluff around. You say what you have to is often Viorel’s philosophy. He comes off as someone who is unapproachable, though once you peak Viorel’s hobbies or interest you’ll find a chatty man, someone who has a lot of joy and loves life. Which is betrayed by his severe expression. For obvious reasons he comes off emotionally aloof, though Viorel never been a man to not tell people who ask. Simply no one ask and Viorel will not say. He comes off wiser than his own apparent age, he’s had nine hundred years of life experience to give unto others and he is willing to share it. He comes off as a patience tolerant, father when dealing with those younger than him, especially the youngest members of the New Breed. Though it doesn’t shake off the nickname, Grandpa. Viorel has a lot of patience, even if it really doesn’t seem so. He’s described as a great leader because of his great calm. He is a sophisticated gentleman who seems to coming from a different era and different age. His mannerisms of politeness may be more extreme to others and some might even find it uncomfortable.Viorel is never struck to say something harsh or rudely toned to other individuals, he never curses, or never speaks ill of his enemies. He never underestimates them or overestimates them and challenges people to prove themselves through actions that back up their words. Open and honest, a loyal individual who takes every life under his command as a life he is responsible for Viorel has a habit of blaming himself for those individual deaths. He always seeks to be a better individual, trying to learn from others in a time that seems to move fast. In his mind his life went from horses and wagons to cars pretty fast. Though behind all that stoic sophistication some say lies a weirdo secretly underneath it all. Viorel is passionate about fantasy, he’ll tell you that dragons and gnolls were real at some point, and will tell you stories about how they went extinct or were killed turned to myth and legend. Viorel is happy to teach others how to wood carve and seems to enjoy the company. He’ll also tell you unnecessary things you do not need to know. He’ll ask questions about the world around him as well with curiosity, though may reject the knowledge if he finds it “dumb”. While Viorel offers a lot to others, he does give the air of someone fairly lonely at times. Because so many rely on him, few ask him how he feels and Viorel has a habit of shutting down and falling into unexpressed depression. He can also be a cruel man to those who have struck a chord in Viorel’s morality. Anyone who hurts or harms his children, as that is what he calls anyone in LHA be prepared to face the wrath of Viorel. Any damage you have done to them be it death or fatal wounds be sure to be prepared for tens time the pain you have done unto them. He can also come off very devout. Slightly more religious than modern religious practices he can come off err very very “early” century faithful. Skills: Tactics and Strategy - Viorel’s power requires a lot of personal maintenance, it’s something he has had to learn to manage. A lot of his power requires tactical and strategic thinking before plunging head first into a situation. And with that knowledge his power has given to him, it is something Viorel can do with relative ease in any other given situation. Knowing how to handle and tackle the next situation that may arise. Strong Leadership - There is one thing everyone can agree upon Viorel has strong leadership skills. While he may come off as unapproachable and severe, the truth is once you understand Viorel’s mostly harmless you see a man who knows how to lead his people and guide them. Perceptive Observation - Viorel has an eye for detail. He can tell when someone is trying to cheat him or lie to him. He can tell when someone has tried to deceive him by moving objects around. It’s very hard to catch Viorel off guard. He looks for the finer details because his work has always been to look at the tinier details in life. Intimidation - Viorel is not oblivious that he can be an intimidating figure to many. It's a very good thing to use then when you need to pry information out of other people and Myles handing them soda doesn't work. Brewing Tea - Traveling the world has given Viorel unique experiences in life. One of them is the study of brewing tea from culture to culture. He likes to entertain those interested with various techniques and history of tea brewing. If it sounds as dry as you think it does, it probably as as dry as you think it is. Wood Carving - While true Viorel probably never needed the skill of wood carving, he finds personal peace in the activity. And by understanding how wood carving is naturally done, it gives an authenticity to his artifact manipulation that could not match by others who manipulate artifacts. There is a sincerity because this is a knowledge Viorel has physical experience with. Sewing and Knitting - Many of his puppets clothing and materials were made by himself. Thus Viorel is effective at sewing and knitting. Hobbies: Storytelling - A marionettes true calling is to bring back the stories that people heard from their mother and fathers to life. Viorel loves to tell people stories and he’ll often take them up on request as well. He enjoys the love and joy it places into others. He enjoys that it inspires others. Reading - It doesn’t really matter what genre, though Viorel enjoys fantasy only to criticize that it wasn’t like that in his times, but a good storyteller needs to research his material before performing it. [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjZiNmI2Yi5RMjl0WW1GMElFbHVabTl5YldGMGFXOXUuMAAA/the-slavic-font.regular.png[/img][/center] Weapon: Needles, they are technically sewing needles, but they do go nicely into soft parts of people’s skin if need be. Equipment: Emergency sewing kit, bits of fabric, and bits of string usually. If he has to fix a jerkin, or has to fix the helm of a knight’s skirt. Most of this is carried in his Figurine case, in the bottom compartment, and his puppets are held in the center compartment with a viewing window. [hider= Figurine Case][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/jN2Ct8/figurecase3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/fN430o/figurecase4.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Fighting Style: Puppeteer Waltz - Viorel is not going to be doing backflips and fighting with swords. Though he conducts his puppets like a conductor conducts an orchestra. Simple swaying hand motions and slight footsteps if need be when needing to get out of the way. His hand motions are elegant, and soft, they are not boisterous, or dramatic. But in the dark illuminated by a faint psychic string few could see they could say that he looks like an elegant swan. Strength: Viorel doesn’t possess any super strength or anything like that. People would assume an autonomous puppet man might have more strength than a human, but the reality of the situation is that he’s quite average in the strength department. Viorel is not mean to make damage either, he doesn’t do too well taking strong blows from others. He doesn't have good resistance and can easily break with the right amount of strength. Endurance: Physically Viorel’s endurance is pretty shit, he has average running speed, he has average strength and average endurance in survival situations or sustaining wounds. Though mentally Viorel can expel psychic energy with little effort, as his psychic energy drains his stamina he has had to spend the years honing enduring how long he can hold his psychic control to his puppets. And how to expel psychic energy without completely draining himself of energy. Willpower: This is probably the department Viorel excels at the most. Not only does he stand strong no matter the circumstance, it is difficult to break Viorel. That and he is immune to telepathy and other mental abilities. Something about him they cannot quite read or break through. Maybe because Viorel doesn’t necessarily “think” like the rest of us. It’s more an instinct or feeling that drives Viorel, or a motivation. He is not easy to break and he’d be the last to break mentally. Speed: Another area where Viorel is merely average at best. Reaction Speed: Viorel is quick enough to react at least to escape harm's way or know when to retreat. Probably one of the few areas Viorel is exceptional at. He’s probably even better than Myles. His psychic energy gives him a feeling. It’s not something he notices with his eyes, but the aura given off from others. [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjZiNmI2Yi5RV0pwYkdsMGVTQkpibVp2Y20xaGRHbHZiZywsLjAAAA,,/the-slavic-font.regular.png[/img][/center] Name of Ability: Storyteller Class: Psychic Character Theme: I am no devil worshipper. Once my puppets brought joy into the lives of those who wanted to see their stories they loved come to life. Then my puppets brought despair when hysteria spread like wildfire, words like diablo. Now I am surrounded by melancholy, a puppet master on the cover of some modern movie, he is a serial killer. A puppet master on the cover of some comic book, he is a villain. Perhaps, we can no longer bring people joy. Though maybe we can inspire them once again. To show them the old tales. Knights and wizards come alive to protect them by a puppet master. Ability Capabilities: It is difficult to condense Viorel’s ability into a few short sentences. In a nutshell someone could consider his ability as mere artifact manipulation. Though the more complicated explanation is that Viorel can imbue inanimate objects with psychic energy which gives the capability of controlling those objects in various ways. Some weirder in ways than others. Qualities of Capabilities: So what does Artifact Manipulation mean exactly? For Viorel it is controlling his puppets with psychic energy that connects him to the artifact. This gives Viorel a few abilities that he utilizes. A better word for his puppets are automatons. His psychic energy is almost the equivalent to say uploading software to a computer. A puppet comes “programmed” with the idea of its “design”. They have limited willpower and limited sense of self, so that way Viorel doesn’t have to give them direct orders at all times in combat. It is part instinct and part conducted. First we have to understand the fundamentals. His puppets do not have sentience. They have awareness of their function, but that is about it. They can only move when Viorel imbues them with his psychic energy. They have instinct, but not quite willpower. We’re not having a puppet uprising anytime soon. Psychic Strings - These are the fundamentals of Viorel’s control. They are the strings of life, they are strings that are attached to the puppets psychic imprint. The psychic imprint left by him when he designed the object that he so wished to control. Psychic Storage - Another fundamental of Viorel’s is to store his psychic energy into the objects that he so wil control later on. The reason why his puppets are so lifelike is due to the energy stored inside of them that gets them to act more than puppets. He can transfer his energy into the object he so desires to connect to his psychic wires. This psychic transfer also has a genetic memory inside of it, it’s what gives the puppet an idea or instinct of what it is supposed to do. Artifact Compression - This is Viorel’s secret to transporting a large amount of puppets, that are not quite all puppet size. He can compress artifacts into a smaller form. Though he can only bring them back to their original size. He cannot make them bigger than what they were. Psychic Making - It had been mentioned before that Viorel really didn’t need to learn wood carving. Actually many of his more outrageous shaped puppets have been molded and crafted through physical materials like wood, but with his psychic energy. As long as Viorel has an image in mind of what he wants to design, his psychic energy can carve it out of the material in front of it. Like the 1100 century version of a 3D printer several hundred years before 3D printers. Life Puppet - If you ever wanted to know the secret of Viorel’s longevity it is this technique that he has accepted in its use. A blank puppet with no name, given no purpose, lies in runic symbols, and is fed psychic energy over the months, maybe even years, till one day it is given the capability of life. That life in a ritual that brings Viorel back from the death will be performed. A ritual that Viorel only bestowed on his wife Gemina. A responsibility he will not ask of his New Breed children. It requires his blood of his fresh dead corpse to be drained into the puppet and his heart placed in the chest that remains open to accept his still beating heart. The requires another energy to complete the ritual. This Life Puppet in emergencies can only be performed once a year. It requires too many components for it to be effective form of thwarting death all the time. With heart, blood, and his psychic energy living inside of it the puppet becomes alive. It is said that it is this ritual witnessed once that inspired the tales of Pinocchio. Strengths of Abilities: This is probably what you were waiting for. The puppets to this ability. We can talk all day about how he makes puppets, but if he has no puppets it wouldn’t be his theme nor his strength. The strength in his ability is merely the imagination it takes to work out various skills of combats. Viorel has the capability of controlling 10 puppets though it is a taxing feat. He chooses not to, favoring tactic and strategy choosing suitable pieces for suitable situations rather than maxing out on numbers. [hider= Knights - Medium Size - 5 Max] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUCgYaUGdNA[/youtube][/center] Knights are the bulk of his army. They act with swiftness and with combat ready knowledge. Often choosing to mount horses and charge into battle. They utilize, swords, spears, and rifles. Fighting Style: Is primarily swift, mounted combat, though his knights can also fight in close quarters combat as well. Though his rifleman fight from mounted range combat. Tier: 1 Strength: Average Human Endurance: Average Human Willpower: NA they are controlled by Viorel Speed: Average Human Reaction Speed: Average Human[/hider] [hider= Examples of Knights][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/jTzxT8/knight7.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/grAhvo/knight8.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/gtnvFo/knight9.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/fzXUao/Knight11.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/go3AFo/knight6.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider= Goblins - Small Size - 7 Max] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgDXgpQU2Xc[/youtube][/center] Goblins are not exactly known for being heavily combative species. They are more like nuisances on the battlefield and being smaller Viorel can control a massive number more of them than any of the larger species. They make for good distractions, meat shields, and are highly effective at range and subterfuge. Tier: 2 Strength: Below Average - they really aren’t a strong species on their own they’re going to get smooshed by something bigger than them. Even a human boot to the face is pretty much too much for them to take. Their pack mentality makes numbers more powerful than sheer individual strength. Endurance: Above Average - This is one thing Goblins have in abundance is endurance While not a battle hardened species, they could certainly out stamina an ordinary human. Because they work in packs they don’t beat their enemies with just sheer numbers and strength, but tiring them out while most of the pack still has a lot of energy stored up for that final kill. Willpower: NA - However it should be noted that as species comes they aren’t the brightest and are slightly dimwitted. Speed: Average - They aren’t particularly fast as a species, their skill is in the trained skills of the pack, but often they don’t need out speed their enemy when they endure their enemy with unnatural amounts of stamina. Reactionary Speed: Above Average - While they are not a fast species or a hardened battle species, their endurance and reactionary speed is above average. They are slippery and actually hard to catch in battle. While sure they can easily be smooshed, their ability to dodge and get themselves out of trouble is extraordinary as in their resilience of a species. They’re like cockroaches.[/hider] [hider= Examples Goblins][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/h6uWo8/Goblin1.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/cCwcT8/Goblin2.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/ncjWo8/Goblin3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/n8OfgT/Goblin4.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/m0UaFo/Goblin5.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] *Goblin Notes: The Goblin in the Jester outfit named Blinky. It is named Blinky because that's the name it calls itself. See Blinky is not actually one of Viorel's puppets, everyone thinks Blinky is a puppet, but the reality of the situation is something as far back as several several several, you get the picture, centuries ago Blinky the Goblin mistook Viorel's Goblin Puppets as real. Declaring itself King of the Pack. Blinky still hasn't noticed his friends don't move when Viorel isn't controlling them. Nor does anyone think Blinky will catch on. Viorel notes; Goblins are slow aging, but not ageless, and they cannot tell time it really was only the 1760s, more like the 1780s that he came to me. Blinky redacts; thatsa longah ago. Viorel; not really. Blinky redacts; bah hoomany thingy dusn't know dates. Viorel; that would be you. [hider= Gnolls - Medium Size - 5 Max] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YeGqRCCSBA[/youtube][/center] Viorel will tell you tales of creatures you’ve only heard in your tales. They couldn’t possibly be true, until you see the lifelike nature of the creatures he controls. Highly trained and skilled in close quarters combat and some medium range, rarely charging on horses, Gnolls are aggressive beast humanoids, with a bite and claw attacks, natural hide enhanced by armor they are more formidable than tin soldiers. Tier: 3 Strength: Above Average - A gnoll can easily pick up a human with relative ease with one arm by the neck. A gnoll could easily take down a horse with two hands and he certainly can lob a head off with relative ease with one swift charging sword strike. While they may not have super strength, they are large beastial dog men and that gives them the perks of supernatural strength. What they can’t do is break through walls or doors or breach heavily guarded buildings with their strength. That’s what Dragons and Orcs are for. Endurance: Above Average - A gnoll is not going to tire out so easily. There is a reason why the Goblin and the Gnoll were fierce enemies because while one bred like rabbits and used pack tactics despite their relative weak stature, the other was not so reproductive, but endured the mischievous nature of the Goblin stealing from their tribes. A Gnoll is not going to get exhausted when you do and in the moment of your weakest they will severe your spine. Willpower: NA - Though the Gnoll was said to have the greater intelligence of a domestic house dog. Speed: Average - while a Gnoll is powerful and has strong stamina, a Gnoll is not particularly fast. He’s probably a little faster than a human being, but is still limited by standing upright and weighted down by his armor. Reactionary Speed: Above Average - A gnoll is said to also have keen eyesight and keen senses. More in line with your domesticate dog than a human being. He can smell intent and can sense your actions before you make them. Seeing slight movements you might make or noticing your hesitation is what a Gnoll warrior does.[/hider] [hider= Gnoll Examples][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/dCouao/Gnoll.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/eLTGo8/Gnoll2.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/jOwQgT/Gnoll3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/ejCLFo/Gnoll4.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/fpBQgT/gnoll5.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Drake - Medium Size - 2 Max] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ccpv3mz4HI[/youtube][/center] A Drake is the size of a domestic greyhound or St. Bernard, they have natural armor, their scales are very hard to pierce without a weapon actually designed with the intent to pierce their scales. While Dragons are known for their elemental breath, Drakes are often known for spewing out toxic gas from their scales as a defense mechanism, they also release smoke from their mouths as a smokescreen to escape from their enemies. That doesn’t mean to underestimate their powerful bite, claws, and natural armor. These slinky beast have the cunning to rip through most well armed mens armor. Most Knights didn’t die at the hands of the dragon but the number of Drakes protecting the Dragon’s lair. Tier: 4 Strength: Above Average - To a drake a man in a suit of armor just looks like what a can does to a can opener. They don’t necessarily care much whether you’re in kevlar or steel plate, they’ll find a way to rip it open at some point in time. While they cannot break down walls or stop missiles or airplanes. One swipe of their tail can crush the hood of a car, shatter some legs, blow a man back a few feet away from where he was whipped, and breakdown a door with their powerful front paws. No walls, yet. We’re not getting there yet. Endurance: Slightly Better than Average - they don’t have an insane endurance, but it’s slightly better than the average man. It’s difficult for them to maintain their body temperature and a Drake who hasn’t taken a hot sun bath maybe a bit sluggish or lack the stamina to endure a fight. Their main strength is in their brute ferocity. Willpower: NA - Though they were quite bright for their species, able to employ ambush tactics if there were more than one of them. Clever and exceptionally smart learning from every mistake someone made, they were fierce alone or working together. Speed: Above Average - These slinky bastards were quick, you could barely catch a glimpse of the tip of their tail before they slinked off into the shadows. Perfect ambush predators, with a powerful pounce, they were as swift as they were strong. Reactionary Speed: Above Average - Their senses were highly attuned to the movement of others, they could pick of the tiniest movements. Legends say they could hear a creatures heartbeat. Though in truth they may have been able to pick up on the little imprints of heat you left behind and felt the vibrations of someone’s movement.[/hider] [hider= Diamas and Rubena] While they were considered lesser dragons to the counterparts who could fly in the sky. Diamas resilience and cunning was said to be untamed and as wild as they came. While Rubena lie bathing in the sun, her scaled skin could have been mistaken for a patch of gems in the grooves of the mountains. They gave her name due to her ruby like tone to her iridescent fiery shades of red, orange, scales. [center]Diamas[/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/iZusBT/drake.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Rubena[/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/d938ko/drake2.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Ogrids - Large Size - 1 Max] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc0U4Ik1yN4[/youtube][/center] Ogres and orcs fall into the same class or category of ogrid, alongside cyclops, giants. These 8ft behemoths are sluggish, but often are not meant to be nimble fighters. They are meant to break walls, lots and lots of walls. Siege beast, with stupidity to bear, these brutes saw man as we see insects. Thick hide is hard to pierce, like that of an elephant. Tier: 5 Strength: Superior to Most Species - Again there is no nuke dodging, missile throwing. But an Ogrid is quite powerful. Able to hurdle pick up trucks with relative ease, stop semis in its track. It’s able to knock down walls and breach the most fortified building. Ripping down doors, bringing down two story buildings made of mostly brick, or cement, with relative ease. They don’t get much tougher than this. Endurance: Above Average - An Ogrid is not going to tire out before you. It’s going to lob large rocks at you or cars. Mailboxes. It doesn’t feel really much pain considering how tough it is to crack through its thick hide. It will eventually tired, but hope you have a good amount of stamina. Willpower: NA - Orcs are blood lusty and ogres are slow and dumb. You don’t get much dumber than this. Speed: Below Average - Ogrids are slow and lumbering. And while an Orc may be faster than an Ogre persay. They aren’t much faster. Their power comes in ripping you in half, and then wearing your skull as an ornament. Reactionary Speed: Below Average - Ogrids aren’t necessarily quick to notice things. This is why they are often slain by more cunning species. As simply siege beast they listen to their berserking instincts and the command of a whip or in this case through puppet strings. Meant merely to crush and disrupt these beast are rare to notice the actions of others.[/hider] [hider= Decebal and Valerius] Decebal was the first ogre to be used in siege fighting. It is said Decebal at a young age was corralled into a small pen separated from his mother when he were a mere babe and locked in the darkest dungeon Romanian had for him. The creature was then shackled and chained, forced to work for the human army that had stolen him from his home within the mountains. One story says one day Decebal snapped killing and betraying the human army. Though no one is certain why the Romanian King had Decebal be put down like a dog, tales of Decebal and bringing down the peasant army were stories told among the peasantry to incite hysteria in order to stop any form of civilian unrest. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/iPKvy8/Orc.jpg[/img][/center] Valerius was a different story known for his savagery. He was the general of an orc army that the Romans feared. When Valerius spilled blood onto the lands and let it soak into the mud, he declared his name Valerius stealing the name of the ones he hunted, and he would take down every mighty general who tried to charge him and take his land. It is said the Roman empire did everything they could in their power to appease Valerius. Offerings, sacrifices, until one day a valiant hero stood up and slayed the orcish general. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/gCqqWT/Orc2.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Dragons - Large Size - 1 Max] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMKskuvJTcs[/youtube][/center] They once ruled the skies and were worshipped by many. Men sought them to hunt to increase their influence in a hold. Knights slayed them for valor. Robbers robbed their troves. And while many paint them off as ferocious beast, who were brutal and slew humans for the fun of it. Many of that is untrue. Often their brutality was provoked by humans who stole from their homes, slew their children, and attacked their homes. Some Dragons were capable of speech. And many ruled in the domains of the elements. Sorcerers and wizards learned from the Dragon’s knowledge. And Man learned from its ferocity. They have natural armor, their skin is extremely tough, and hard to pierce. Not much can crack through a dragon's scale, other than weaponry made from dragon scales itself. They didn’t all just breathe fire, some blew ice, other's electricity. Some grander dragons had electricity come off their scale slike a great lighting rod. They often fly as well, though some species gilded more than they flew. Sharps claws that popped armor off like it were made of paper, sharp teeth, and the strength of an ogrid. These beast were to be feared and respected. They truly were the King of the Skies. Tier: 6 Strength: Superior to most Species - A dragon was everything a drake was, but bigger. Men in armor might as well be wearing armor made of paper mache, a dragon didn’t much care for a man’s armor, as it shred steel to bits with one fell swipe. It’s why Knights who desired to strike down a dragon had to dawn himself in the dragon’s scales as armor. Kevlar is as a ribbon is to a tiny kitten. A dragon can stop cars in their wake, one swipe of a tail is sending man several hundred meters back and creating a gust so large even if it doesn’t swipe you, your getting caught in its gust. It can lift semi trucks with relative ease and airplanes. Again though no stopping nukes or missiles or anything like that. But tanks just mean something to smash to a dragon that otherwises doesn’t really care about any of our modern technology. It’s not going to stop a dragon from taking a bite out of it and ripping it open like it’s a tin meant to be popped open. They can take down large structures like third story buildings and even if it took down a smaller size building it just crumble in its wake. Plus the strength it takes to life it’s large body up in the sky with its wings. Endurance: Superior to Most Species - Fighting a dragon is a test of stamina and strength. These beast don’t go down easily. Many Knights died not realizing the sheer amount of strength and stamina a dragon has. A dragon isn’t going to go down easily without putting up a very good, grueling fight. In the history books the longest dragon battle ever recorded was Sir Hendrick of Wales, versus Ishmeal the Purple Stormy Dragon, Sir Hendrick died and succumbed to his wounds an hour into the battle with Ishmeal who did not seem phased one bit by the mans attacks or fleeting attempts to slay him. Willpower: NA - Though they were exceptionally bright as a species and contrary to belief some were intelligent enough to speak. Speed: Above Average - For a beast this size you wouldn’t think that it could move with such elegance and grace. Though it moves with a speed and a grace that should not be allowable for a creature that can grow quite large, some were the size of skyscrapers, while others were the size of a six story building. Even the smallest of the large species moved with a cat like grace that didn’t seem to suit the images of a sleeping dragon bathing in the sun. Reactionary Speed: Above Average - Like drakes they have the ability to pick up imprints of heat impressions left behind. They can sense vibrations, while a sleeping dragon may not look like it’s awake or alert it’s probably already felt your presence. They have exceptionally hearing and smelling. Hiding from them won’t mean much and ambush won’t mean much to them as well. It’s more than likely a dragon has figured out, through it’s own cunning, your next plan before you even make it.[/hider] [hider= Weylin and Iorwerth] Weylin would not have been Viorel's first choice for the Yellow Brass Dragon. If he had a chance, he would have named the beast Chrysanthos "golden flower". Instead on a fateful evening he met a young man Jensen, who lost his parents and on a test run of Weylin the Yellow Brass Dragon the young man asked for a name and Viorel gave the boy a chance to name it for him. Viorel is nice and won't change the name though he regrets allowing the boy to name him. Weylin was crafted of the species who lived closer to the base of the mountains inside caves, rather than on top of mountains as Iorwerth. Yellow Brass Dragons were your typical firebreathers, often with a quick to anger temperament, though docile if not provoked. They could be as tamed as your ordinary house cat, once tamed they often had the behavior as well. Roughly 8 meters high, they weren't the biggest dragons to some of their cousins, but Viorel didn't want to start a panic in London with a 10 meter high dragon. [url=https://cdn.britannica.com/700x450/71/8071-004-96719C15.jpg]Reference plateosauras.[/url] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/deOkWT/Dragon.jpg[/img][/center] Iorwerth lived in a cave high above the base of the mountain, he called storms to him, and hailed lighting with his breath. Iorweth doesn't have one story to tell, but many. He was the oldest and most respected, when he had slain 10 Knights and killed 3 hoarders of his trove. While fierce, and deeply defensive as the Green Stormy Dragons were, he was also a proud creature, one that held its head up high and refused to bow down. A protector of its kind and its home, it would fiercely defend those that it treasured as its own. The mannerisms of a domesticate cat with the personality of a loyal dog, but the smarts of a pig. These creatures were sensitive and caring as they were dangerous and formidable. About the size [url=https://cdn.britannica.com/700x450/52/8052-004-D17B0BA7.jpg]of an apatosaurus.[/url] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/m2mHd8/Dragon2.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Weaknesses of Ability: While psychic energy accompanies the mind, it also accompanies the body it takes stamina to hold and control another being. It takes concentration and focus to control the massive amount of individuals Viorel has to control. Each having different strategies and steal having to slightly command them on how to work with one another. While Viorel is not a complainer it can leave him stress migraines, and make him feel drained and tired from the ordeal. It’s also very possible he can drain himself of his energy if he strains his abilities too far to the max. No one of the New Breeds knows what it really takes to jump from one Tier to the next. Is it maxing out your powers at every opportunity? Is it holding back? Viorel has a habit of holding back, mostly probably due to the pressure it puts on his head and how tired it makes him feel afterward. Maxing himself out on his ability leaves him too drained to do much of anything and there is quite the possibility of Viorel dying if he drains himself too much of his energy. His life is not necessarily sustained by a life force, but only held together by his own psychic energy. With a combination of holding himself back with how much power he is capable versus how much power he exerts, Viorel has a habit of coming into battles underpowered at first. He likes to take the cautious approach. He’s prone to partial seizures as well, he’ll talk to you fine, and doesn’t lose conscious, it might be the shaking of his hand he cannot control, or the shaking of his leg. To anyone who doesn’t know Viorel it might look like restlessness. In reality his powers due put a toll on him. Limitations of Ability: There are still some heavy limitations to Viorel’s abilities. While yes in total he can have 7 goblins this is not within context of a dragon. He cannot have 7 goblins and 1 dragon. Instead it is more like 2 goblins and a dragon. But he can split the cost of an Orc and a Dragon, but that’s ridiculous amount of power and exertion on his part. Any creature like a drake or dragon with extra abilities like fire breath expends psychic energy. The drake or the dragon are not technically producing these effects themselves, they are producing them through whatever energy Viorel must expel to make them do so. It’s psychic fire, or psychic gas. But Viorel cannot do these things outside of controlling those creatures. A lot of Viorel’s ability is calculative management. It’s managing what you need beforehand and costing as little energy as possible to achieve. His abilities and his puppets work in combination with each other, but different combinations are too expensive and have a massive impact on himself later on. While the combinations are near endless. Numbers are limited and in short supply with how much he could feasibly handle. Viorel cannot control anything else with his psychic strings, unless it has his psychic signature inside of it. Because what Viorel controls is not the object itself, but is manipulating the energy stored inside the object. [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjZiNmI2Yi5TVzFoWjJVZ1lXNWtJRkIxWW14cFl5QlFaWEpqWlhCMGFXOXUuMAAAAAAAAA,,/the-slavic-font.regular.png[/img][/center] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZWhxM2LQKy3s4T_L2iakFmpzRzMoXMYfafCQBv9bCcM/edit?usp=sharing]Biograph[/url] Quotes: “There are many interpretations of God it seems over the years. He is either represented extremely flawed or extremely pure. I think it is because a power that grand and in the scope of the universe is not something people can truly fathom. That kind of knowledge is not that bestowed on mere mortals. Even as a New Breed I probably do not understand God’s plight. However, I do know that the best interpretation I have is that God is a role model with exemplary behaviors that should be looked at and used in one’s behavior. I do not want perfect beings without their flaws though, then you have lost what it means to be human. I simply believe living in a Godly manner is one where an individual strives for godly behaviors like compassion, charity, mixed in with the things that make them individuals.” “I think knowledge is a fool’s errand. Those with knowledge flaunt it and those without it believe they have it. I am not saying that one cannot be wise nor am I saying one cannot have knowledge. I believe though that both the ones with knowledge and the ones without ultimately fall into the same pitfall. One believes others are beneath them. Another believes others should follow them. I believe that true knowledge is recognizing that you always will know less than others and always strive for learning more.” “I am no representative of a group of people. To say that I have more knowledge than the individuals themselves have about themselves is ultimately disrespectful. I will provide general knowledge and education, but anything you want to know about a individual or more in depth knowledge you will have to ask them. I refuse to give out information I don’t have the answer to.” “It is fascinating to watch the growth of technology. I am still unsure how they manage within the last few years to compress CDs to fit on MP3 players.” Reputation: Living for 900 years has its perks, Viorel is actually well known at least in the shadows. There have been findings and recordings of him throughout history. Though no one really knew the man up to the start of recording devices. Now Viorel has become somewhat of a public face, despite him not wanting to. He blames Angelica for that. As Viorel doesn’t care to speak for the needs of so many. He doesn’t believe he has any grander wisdom than anybody else. He sees what he does know as common sense that is otherwise ignored or not understood by them. He believes everyone is capable of the knowledge he bestows. Those who know his work respect him. Those who follow him love him like a father. Viorel tries his hardest, but doesn’t seek reverence. Nor does he care to be. He wants everyone to be capable of their own advice and knowledge. Theme Song: Non Combat - [hider= Pleasantly Peaceful][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoLrFxUbgjw[/youtube][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SW1Zy6-EDw[/youtube][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fn9Uqq7ODU[/youtube][/center][/hider] Battle Themes - [hider= BOSS][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0LdIZ8TWYo[/youtube][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3LHx_AFzVA[/youtube][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1008Abms9xI[/youtube][/center][/hider]