Originally, I was going to go for a goblin, but at some point I just went, "You know what? Pixie." [hider=Scott] [b]Name:[/b] Scott Carter – now, just Scott [b]Theme:[/b] Don’t generally use themes ^_^; [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Pixie [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a14ddd45-5d8c-4835-a255-4d8de37a7880.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Goals:[/b] Become more confident and open. Reach the Demon King’s palace and have his questions answered. Return home. [b]Past Life:[/b] Scott Carter is not what you would have called a normal boy. He was different from his peers, even at a young age, but nobody could ever figure out why. The other children shunned him, and his teachers saw him go off on his own more often than not. It persisted for all his life, from primary school and into secondary. He sat at the back of the classroom. Kept his head down in the corridors. Rarely would he speak more than a few words. And always, he was alone. He had his reasons. For one, he could find people overwhelming. For two, though buried, he had anxieties in abundance. And for a third... solitude was calming, for him. Often, he had a book in his bag or a notepad and pen, that he would read from, sketch in, write on. He saw worlds full of myth or magic, or wondrous technology that defied science itself. He lost himself in these worlds, always straining towards them, but separated by that ink and paper barrier. Those worlds were out of his reach. If only he had had time to see his own. It came from a childish prank by his classmates. Even more so childish because they, and he, were in Year Eleven at the time. He had been walking home, as usual, paying no attention to the ones following him, when the world went dark. He woke at a construction site – abandoned, from the looks of it. He had three tormentors. They had waited until nightfall, and then tied him to a chair on one of the higher levels. And there they stood, laughing, jeering. He remembers one of them tipping the chair back over the edge. His heart pounded as he looked at the drop several metres below, but he fought back the desire to scream. He wouldn’t give these boys the satisfaction. Eventually, they stepped back, discussing what else they could do. Scott remembers several minutes of quietly struggling against the school ties and belts the three had used to bind him. He remembers launching himself at one of the three, attempting to knock him down, but getting pushed back. He remembers stumbling backwards into empty space, and a hand, reaching to grab him, save him. He remembers falling. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*][b]Minor Heal I[/b] [*][b]Lesser Flight I[/b] [*][b]Shield I[/b][/list] [b]Transformations:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] A pair of green leggings fashioned from the leaves his ‘parents’ abandoned him in. Not much, and not going to last long, but eh. It's modesty. [/hider] I hope this is okay. I actually finished this a couple of hours ago, but just now I'm getting around to posting it. Now, it's time for this Brit to go to sleep.