"I suggest we be on our merry way as well. We can only assume we have little time to act if her highness is in labor." Zwei said breaking his silence as he leaned on his cane and looked at Telma from underneath his hood. There were a lot of details he didn't have in this situation and it was troublesome to say the least. The queen only stated she was unlikely to survive child birth and her husband was going to do something dangerous to illicit distrust from her. More than likely this was a plan to hide the baby away, but what about after that? Details. Facts. Data. He needs more information to draw conclusions. For now he would provide his aid to this queen and determine his plans post mission. "If we are to do this, I merely ask one of the more combat formidable of the group guard the rear as it seems we are a mixture of warriors and non combatants such as myself." He said