Seeing the lights off in the small house by the steps, she figured she must have just missed Aerith. If she wasn't there, then perhaps she was at Merlin's? Maybe she should have checked there first. Crossing her arms, the girl took a moment to think. She was surprised she hadn't seen Yuffie running around. Still, she shouldn't hang around the Third District for too long, even if it was quiet now, the Heartless could come at any moment. [b]B A M[/b]! A yelp of surprise, and suddenly she found herself on the floor. What in the world?! Getting to her knees, she rubbed her head, letting out a small whimper. Something had come and hit her from behind, catching her completely by surprise. With a hand on her head, she looked back to see what got her. It looked like a boy had literally walked into her without realizing it, he seemed just as caught off guard as she had been. His face wasn't one she recognized; she figured he must have been a refugee from the world that had recently succumbed to darkness. Feeling a pang of guilt as the thought crossed her mind, she picked herself up and dusted herself off. She walked over to him, extending her hand to him. "[color=deepskyblue]Are you alright?[/color]" She asked him.