[@Doc Doctor] [b][color=orange]"That's it, [i]Shrek[/i]. I was gonna get my lalassa and be on my way, but [i]I[/i] tell [i]you[/i] what. Once I'm done with you, I'll also destroy this entire swamp. For good measure."[/color][/b] Garfield assumed a fighting stance with the [url=https://i.imgur.com/tKeWCS0.png]velocity of a jetliner[/url]. His right foot-paw was set forward, and his hands were balled into fists and raised. As he did this, he began to flex his muscles in an effort to intimidate Shrek. Although Garfield was not wearing a shirt at the moment, several of the shirts in his dresser (located in a different universe, probably) were vaporized in anticipation of Garfield returning and wearing them. [b][color=orange]"Last chance to give me the lansanganronpa, or else it's all ogre for you."[/color][/b]