[quote=@Skinner35] [@Jaredthefox92] As long as his stature isn't humanoid. [/quote] So you want him anthro? I can do that. The issue really is I'm not good with just putting in a "mindless" character, at least in terms of one that is a generic "rawr I'm just a monster of the week rawr" kind. I can allow him to be more anthro, I just need him to retain his personality as he is. Grief is juvenile, childish,apathetic, and might makes right. Maybe make him such as this, perhaps? [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/13bc/f/2016/038/5/7/commission_for_jaredthefox92_by_unstablecat_d90aa1_by_jaredthefox92-d9qx50u.jpg[/img]