"Hm, that is plausible. I'll have to find more proof on that however." He'd contemplate her motive, it was quite possible that the man did kill out of pure hatred. It's clear that his PTSD had affected him heavily, so there was no real end to how far he could be willing to go when he felt like he was being threatened in the war. "Anyways, what is your name? I do believe I never did get it from you. Perhaps we have met before somewhere?" He thought deeply, still thinking about what could've occurred at this crime scene.... it all seemed too obvious. a Tale of a man with PTSD bombing his own father. It sounded plausible, but... something still bugged him about this case, it didn't seem premeditated by the man. At least, he wouldn't of risked injury in the slightest. So why in the world would he be so close to the bomb at the time of it's detonation, especially if it was a remote device? "And thank you for the tip, i will check that out quickly."