[right] [h3][color=40ceb6][i]Ivory[/i][/color][/h3] [hider=Status] [b]Location:[/b] [i]Lothair[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Interacting with[/i] [b]Innkeeper & Son[/b] [/hider] [hider=Description] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/65/5f/92/655f92322378bba882c250263117f09d.jpg]appearance pic[/url], roughly 5' 7" with a lean build, confident mannerisms, clothing doesn't stand out or indicate any form of wealth/lack of wealth [/hider] [/right] [hr] Ivory arrived at the inn before the sun had set completely. She asked for the cheapest room available but followed up with a unique request. [color=40ceb6]"Do you have an enchanted safe available for purchase?"[/color] The boy behind the desk stared at her before disappearing into a back room. A man, that Ivory deduced to be his father, approached her. "You want an enchanted safe?" He glared with a face full of skepticism. [color=40ceb6]"That's right,"[/color] she answered, meeting his eyes. "You gonna pay for it?" He questioned, never dropping his stance. "It aint cheap." He looked her top to bottom, as if measuring the state of her finances visually. [color=40ceb6]"I'm aware and I will pay your price."[/color] The man nodded briefly and snapped his fingers at the boy. The son fetched a wooden chest roughly the size of a pillow, although easily three times as deep. "My son will have it brought to your room. Here is the lock," he said, handing her a basic metal ring that opened at one end into a "C" shape. "You just close it, hold your hand over it, and it will seal. Only your hand will be able to open it again. The magic protects the wood from being disturbed as well. Understand?" His glare returned. Ivory painted on a smile in response. When she arrived at her room, the chest was waiting at the end of a simple bed. Across the room, a small dresser, with a mirror resting on top, sat under a covered window. It was adequate. She closed the door, making sure to lock it. She then opened the velvet bag she received from Loro. A massive, brilliantly gold egg with deep black flecks resided inside. It sparkled in the dim light of the room and seemed to hum with magic. Ivory held it in both of her hands briefly before placing it in the chest and locking it. [color=40ceb6]"Soon,"[/color] she whispered before heading to the front of the inn to meet with the rest of the group.