[@Almalthia] Arvin reached for his glass when he winced in pain. It sucks that his dominant side is hurt. He then reached for his left and took sipped the whiskey. Strong... He looked up at the Bartender... pretty attracting... With the topic of a tab came up, he straightened himself,[color=firebrick] " Not so bad yourself, erm, Hair? Whatever, and yes."[/color] Arvin said. As he drank, he looked and listened around the House. [color=f7976a]"Hey, ev'er heard what happened?[/color] [color=f9ad81]"What?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Some say some werid alien shit is goin' on."[/color] [color=f9ad81]"You're fucking with me."[/color] The conversation went on, and on, and Arvin listened. He has never heard of anything outside of Kama-Taj, but this surly was something he should've known. He then turned back to the women, [color=firebrick] " You anything about this alien shit?" [/color] Arvin asked her, whilst playing with his ring, twisting it, as the color of the material surrounding the ring is changing, a sign of him being nervous. (Sorry if this is pretty short.)