[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9999ff]Virginia Crypt[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s1.postimg.cc/sp47nw1mn/virginia3.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=#9999ff]Location[/color][/b]: Westminster Bridge (Northside) ---> Nottingham [b][color=#9999ff]Skills[/color][/b]: [/center][hr] Veliona must have answered Virginia's prayers, she concluded, as a heavy fog had protected them on their journey out of the city. She hoped that her brother would be similarly protected - as well as Millicent. Virginia did not care to have her loved ones such a great physical distance away from her. As much as she did not pretend that Millicent needed protection - she was a woman of great strength - she wanted to be able to come to her friend's aid at a moment's notice without a lengthy delay for travel. Such thoughts kept her preoccupied on their travels, with the occasional tale from the Crypt family records coming to mind as well. She felt a bit sore and stiff after such a long ride, but she did not protest. She would have gladly slept on a bed of nails without prompting. In fact, she had some memory of her mother attempting to persuade her father to install such a bed in their own set of rooms at Wenwynith Manor. [color=#9999ff]"I am sore, but it is no trouble,"[/color] Virginia admitted. She did not know much about the care of animals after lengthy rides, so she was content to defer to Elizaveta and Mary's judgment. She wondered if it would be wise to send word at this point, however. Although their progress was great, she was not sure if it was yet sufficient. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ff6600]Maeve Brennan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/75c688c44bc5b1b3ef54bf3081a0f05c/tumblr_omdy05ZJXh1w3nwrko1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=ff6600]Location[/color][/b]: Inn in Annan [b][color=ff6600]Skills[/color][/b]: Irish Sign Language, Deception [/center][hr] Maeve had been having a pleasant dream. Her daughter, precious Roisin, was attending the finest preparatory school for girls. The teacher sent a letter home - which Finnian had read to Maeve - indicating how Roisin was a prodigy and was beyond her peers by several years. Her deafness didn't hold Roisin back. However, she stirred and awoke to the sound of Lady Kirkpatrick screaming for tea. She was halfway awake and sleepily signed, [color=ff6600][b][i]"In a mo',"[/i][/b][/color], before she fully recalled her surroundings. Thankfully, no one was sharing her quarters, so no one witnessed her brief slip up. She mentally brought herself back to the role of Neasa O'Connor. Maeve quickly dressed herself for the day and pinned her hair up. After giving birth to Roisin, she had become an expert in getting dressed and ready to go in a short period of time. It was necessary after many sleepless nights with a screaming baby that couldn't even hear her own cries - Maeve would sleep to the last possible minute and then get dressed in record time, just in order to survive. She knocked lightly on Lady Kirkpatrick's door. [color=ff6600]"I'll brin' ye yer tay in a minute, me lady,"[/color] she told her in her thick Irish accent. Truthfully, Maeve wasn't sure if Lady Sally wanted her to bring her the tea or someone else, but she had no intention of being canned by the woman - even if she was there to spy on her. Maeve made her way to the kitchen, looking to see if there was tea already available or if she'd have to make it herself. [color=ff6600]"Excuse me, Lady Kirkpatrick requires some tay,"[/color] she said to anyone down there, in order to explain her presence.